The Great Library of Covenant Building / Landmark in The Lands of Myth | World Anvil
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The Great Library of Covenant

A library in the City of Covenant, which contains the complete collection of all the known magical, philosophical and historical works of the world. The Library's facilities are managed by the Great University of Covenant and the catalogue is managed by Avatara.

Purpose / Function

This library is the center of all education and learning in the Cath Bruig Empire. It contains all of the known magical, philosophical and historical texts of the known world. It is also serves as the site of intense study of these texts. The library also contains an extensive collection of popular works.


The Great Library in Covenant has been destroyed and rebuilt twice, once during the sack of Covenant in 2468 and again during the second sack of Covenant in 2541. Today, the Great Library is manned by Avatara and guarded by members of the Imperial Legion.  Among the most important and closely guarded books in the library is the Total Codex. The library also holds the original copy of Antero's Beastiary.
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