The Apor Organization in The Land of Cree | World Anvil

The Apor


The Apor are individuals, each is keyed to a basic aspect of the world.


The Apor are the progenitors of Aporus. In fact Aporus is a literal translation meaning "Of the Apor".

Mythology & Lore

The Apor once came in pairs, for each was a balance of the other. Light and Dark, Earth and Wind, Fire and Water, Death and Life. Each one was known for both aspects. Lum and Nis, Tult and Wylm, Drech and Mas, and Dul and Ano. They could not be talked to and could not be worshiped. They granted no power and offered no guidance. Each was aware of the whole and was content to walk arm and arm with its partner.

Cosmological Views

The Val'shyri once moved through the darkness. Where one would stop changes would take place. Each step one took left a star and each time one rested, a world was created. When it was time to move, the world would begin to move and the star would hold it in place.


There is no formal religion to the Val'shyri. They are honored only in stories. But in the stories they are feared as much as revered. Much of what and who they were is lost for they existed only in words.

We are of the time. We are beyond time.

Dissolution Date
The last known Apor still exists today but can not be contacted.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The First,


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