TUREEN SYSTEM Geographic Location in The Kriz Sector | World Anvil


This star was once orbited by seven planetoids. But in the distant past, some kind of cataclysmic event shattered all but only of the seven siblings: Tureen IV.

This lonely planetoid now nestles quietly amongst the remnants of its kin, for a dozen or more asteroid belts now cover much of the Tureen system, which makes it also the busiest mining system in the sector.

If there were other sentient lifeforms in the system, aeons before, no record of them has survived. Much like Tureen IV, only a single species survived that cataclysm: The Soup People.

The Soup People are a group known for producing high-quality soups. No one knows exactly how, or even why they make such delicious broth. In fact, nobody really knows much about this elusive species at all. All that is known, however, is that their soup is said to be the greatest ever tasted. The resulting fame of the Soup Peoples’ soups has even reached as far as the Core Worlds, where a certain diner proprietor, Dexter Jettster, claims that he serves soup of the same quality as that of the Soup People.
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