Tazanian Species in The Known Worlds | World Anvil
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The most prominent rakashan civilization is the Tazanian Empire, spawned from a relatively small world orbiting Mu Hydri-5, a warm G-class star that is 292 light years from Sol in the constellation Mu Hydrus. By chance, Mu Hydri-5 (or Tazan in their language), the fifth-most-distant world, was not the only planet in the star system to evolve life, a characteristic shared with the further gas giant’s eighth moon, Mu Hydri-7h. Tazanian scientists discovered the more primitive life forms telescopically and using probes before they traveled to that world. In a matter of a single decade, they nearly extinguished their rivals and took the world for their own, beginning a long pattern of aggressive expansion.   Tazanian evolution followed the typical rakashan pattern: Evolve to be one of several successful predator species upon their world, a planetary cataclysm (in their case, a comet impact) wipes out most prey, forcing the predators to evolve cooperative hunting and communication, which leads to communication and tool use—or their demise.   Tazanian find killing by means other than tooth and claw especially unsatisfying; shooting someone with a laser from a distance may be effective, but it does nothing to relieve the blood tension of combat. Their companions find the Tazanian practice of taking a final bite out of a fallen enemy somewhat disturbing, though to the Tazanian it brings necessary closure to the act of violent confrontation.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tazanians natural diet is exclusively meat. Sometimes those that travel with other species some plants will get mixed into the diet, but this won't meet their high protein requirements.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Tazan scientists perfected the hyperspace jump drive 300 years before humans on Canopus stumbled upon the same formulas, but the device became embroiled in political scheming and rival posturing for many decades before it was put into wide use. Even then, their exploration and inevitable domination of nearby habitable worlds proceeded in fits and starts as competing factions argued and warred over territorial rights to new planets.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Rakashans are inherent expansionists and make many enemies as they conquer and explore new galaxies. Closest to the original Rakashan home system, a long and brutal war with the Kalians has made that race the most common target of their rage. Rakashans suffer a –4 Charisma when dealing with kalians. Unless fettered by other authorities or common goals, rakashans typically attack them on sight.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80-100 years
Average Height
5-6 feet
Average Weight
120-150 lbs
Average Physique
Tazanian's tend to be quite slender, and muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tazanians have fur that cover their bodies. The colours can vary through the full spectrum of normal fur colours, and can have spots, stripes, or various shades within them.


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