Fomalhaut Geographic Location in The Known Worlds | World Anvil
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Fomalhaut is an Orange dwarf star with only a single planet, named Dagan, orbiting it. The system has a massive asteroid belt on both sides of the planet's orbit.   Dagan is a gas giant about 1.6 times the size of Jupiter and it orbits in a very wide elliptical orbit. At the widest part of the 80 year orbit, the planet is several light months away from the host star. But at the closest point in it's orbit, Dagan gets as close to the Fomalhaut as Venus is to Sol.   The two massive asteroid fields are very rich in minerals and it has drawn two corporations to mine it. Orbiting the planet is Dagan Station, which is used as a base of operations for the miners, and providing other services.
Alternative Name(s)
Alpha Piscis Austrini
Star System
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