Guiding Spire:Remains of Set's Temple Building / Landmark in The Kingdom of Khemit | World Anvil
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Guiding Spire:Remains of Set's Temple

Entrance to Set

The rope leads into a dark chamber from The Guiding Spire. What dim light passes through, you notice that the limestone carved above was originally the top of a mastaba (step pyramid), buried and concealed by master craftsmen. The walls are painted in a great mural with a Jackal headed god as the main theme. On one wall it is written in older Hieratic script, with a Pharaoh’s name, Djederet II. It reads that this temple was built by The Pharaoh Djederet II and “Let the last of the sky pharaoh be buried and forgotten. What is interesting to note is that the image of the pharaoh is handing Set a golden mask. The mask does have the beard, inferring that it is a face of a Pharaoh. The opposite wall shows Set on a ship (Sun Barge) wielding a spear as the ship heads towards the presumable underworld. To the North there is what appears to be an excavated tunnel, though less than 10 feet it, it appears to have been filled in sometime in the past. To the south is an archway to another room  

Storage Room

This room appears more of a storage room of offerings, it is mostly empty save for a few ossuarys in Demotic script asking for curses upon cheating merchants and the invading Hyborians. Another great archway is in the south wall.  

The original Descent.

At the end of this room are the remains of a stairwell, now sealed with rubble. At the foot of the stairs are alcoves with the statue of Set. At the foot of one is a bronze band (the other appears to have had one, but it was removed). It is hieroglyphics and a scroll of divine weapon (Set). What used to be a concealed door to the west has been opened. A scattering of plaster is left all over the floor as well as small stones that filled the entrance. There is at least two sets of tracks, one entering and one exiting this door. There is a dark hall behind the door.  

The Sealed Chamber to the thrice divided soul

Down this hall, it turns right into another room. Before the room, there is Hiratic script written on the wall. It reads
“Woe to you who would plunder the Reliquary of the Thrice-Divided Soul. Turn away, lest the harsh judgment of the Forgotten One fall upon you and your descendants for a thousand generations. Turn away, for his ka cannot be appeased and the door to Duat be opened to all and Ammut disgorge the unworthy. Turn away, and may Set and Anubis forgive this transgression
  This octagonal room is tiled in large 2 foot square tiles colored black with what used to be a circle with a star in it’s center (Symbol of Duat) the whole floor is done this way as a curtain of stars (Symbol of Kek). In the middle of this room is a greater statue of Set. It is made of bronze, though his head has been painted black. Set is in an aggressive stance holding a long spear that is pointed towards a smaller Human figure, whose face has been wiped clean of features. Observing the floor notices a few droplets of blood splattered in the interior of the doorway and the circle and star symbol has faded/crumbed in every tile. At the base of the Statue of Set is a drawer. Opening it, it contains scrolls in hieratic script. 1 scroll is the original document from Djederet II commanding the construction of the temple of Set to Faruq. Another scroll has a symbol of the Ostrich feather, but is blank otherwise. If given to an Architect of Ma’at, the scroll reveals the archetectual design of the temple and the animated statue of Set. Viewing the scroll gives a +5 to disable device.       Trap
Walking into the room preps the trap. Any of the 4 squares between Set and the human figure arms the trap. If a square between Set and the door is stepped on, Set animates and swings the great spear towards the doorway. Reflex save 15 for half to those in the arc. Those at the doorway take the most with 2d8+2 damage with a sharpened spear tip. The others take 2D6+2 bludgeoning as the spear haft swings through. Set moves back to his original position after striking.
Architect of Ma’at Flashback
When the scroll with the ostrich feather is held, the Last Architect hears someone calling out to Faruq: You turn and see bright daylight coming down the stairs into the temple of Set. “Faruq” says the voice again, and It’s young Jen, her father is the artist making the bronze casting. She escorts you up the stairs. Behind, the temple of Set was complete, with polished white marble making the miniature pyramid shine. “You better do some extra prayers as the other gods will be jealous” Faruq turns to see Malac the Bull, and the pieces of the bronze sculpture; a detailed representation of Set. “Ah Malac, excellent work again.” Faruq checks on the arm where some of the automations have been already added, “may the pharaoh bless your family” As Malac brings parts of the sculpture down into the temple, he speaks low to Faruq, “Is it true? That the disciples of the forgotten pharaoh were found?” “Yes, the disciples have been found and delt with” “And then the nightmare is at an end?” “Hopefully” Faruq walks away down the corridor to a lit octagonal room with polished tiles with gold inlayed symbols. In one corner is a human stone statue with a golden mask of the pharaoh placed on its face.” “…Hopefully…” Faruq says to himself.
Temple / Church

Cover image: Guiding Spire by Midjourney


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