Osira Luneste Character in The Kingdom of Banteave | World Anvil

Osira Luneste (Oh-see-rah)

Duchess Osira Carais Luneste

Daughter of Carais and Tibert Luneste. Baroness of Enstane and Duchess of the Isles.
Infamous, Bold and Athletic. A proud sea captain for many years before settling down to support her family. Osira captured many longships and heaps of plunder during the Dunefalli campaign against Norvalled. Much of the wealth still remains, and she has used it to greatly improve the Duchy of the Isles, building new shipyards and shoring up defences. At long last, she has her own island fiefdom, answering only to old Eadvard III. The death of her brother Arnaud Luneste hit her particularly hard, and she wore the grieving veil for almost a year. During this time, she has relied on the comfort and support of her dear friend and fellow Baron Morgan Venn .

Mental characteristics


Osira has been known to keep the company of neither men nor women.

Accomplishments & Achievements

A veteran of the naval campaign against a belligerent Norvalled, Osira served Dunefalle as a captain of great repute. At least a score of longships have been sent to the bottom of the sea thanks to her prowess at the helm of her flagship, Dancer.


Family Ties

Osira has never taken the marriage vows, but that hasn't stopped her from expanding her family. She has adopted Deshi Luneste and Brynn Luneste into House Luneste, both of whom have made lives for themselves in Banteave. Her adopted daughter Deshi has recently become the Baroness of the Gannets.

Religious Views

Osira has experienced much within the Great Dream of Resshe, but of late her indulgence in dreamsmoke has begun to wane. She cites that she has "already seen so much in both worlds," and still continues to pay homage to the Golden Prophet. She smiles and nods at the worshippers of the Six Saints, and takes little issue with their faith; in her travels around the world, she's borne witness to far stranger customs and cults than this. The Druidic Order of the Red Sisters intrigues her, but her initial meeting with Abram Antyre left her cold.

Social Aptitude

Osira is unfazed by foreign customs and rites; she's seen enough of the world to have lost any hint of xenophobia, and holds a healthy respect for the ways of others. At court, Osira often disregards titles and accolades, preferring to address her peers directly (which rankles some of the well-heeled Banteavan elite.)


Morgan Venn

Confidant (Important)

Towards Osira Luneste



Osira Luneste

Friend (Important)

Towards Morgan Venn



Reva Highmont


Towards Osira Luneste


Osira Luneste


Towards Reva Highmont



Reva has heard of Osira's legendary prowess at sea, and even got to meet the infamous captain at court last season. Osira was charmed by Reva's constant questions about her naval exploits.

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1388 54 Years old
Resshe, the Golden Prophet
Aligned Organization
Related Reports
Known Languages
Fluent in Dunefalli and Banteavan.