Khinar Antyre Character in The Kingdom of Banteave | World Anvil

Khinar Antyre

Baron Khinar Kadron Antyre

Son of Kadron and Selva. Born 1410. Secretive, Wary, Cunning. The Baron of Farran and Warden of the Treaty Halls. A savvy diplomat comfortable among both the Antari and the Banteavans. He knows his sister Hennan's quest for vengeance will only destabilize relations between Antyre and the Dillestones more, and is trying to steer her away from her quarry.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

In the past five years, Khinar has adopted Banteavan dress, but retains some Antari apparel for his journeys further north when he visits his family's court at Lake March.

Mental characteristics


Khinar exclusively keeps the company of men.


Khinar was educated by hired Banteavan sages during his youth, and spent time at court in Redehall learning the finer points of diplomacy from the emissaries there.


Apart from overseeing the Barony of Farran , Khinar manages the day-to-day affairs of The Treaty Hall. He takes pride in mediating concerns between rival parties, and in his off hours is frequently found in his study reviewing missives from his associates in other baronies.

Personality Characteristics


Khinar seeks to raise House Antyre's status by integrating them more with the rest of Banteavan royal society. As the Warden of the Treaty Hall of Farran, many important negotiations between the Highlanders and the rest of Banteave take place under his guidance and oversight, granting him a deep understanding of the political beast that is Banteave. He sees the current situation in Redehall as unstable, and thinks Antyre could see it's fortunes increased if tumult sweeps the land and they play their cards right. He and Taylah Tahn Antyre have had many conversations together regarding Antyre's future.

Vices & Personality flaws

Khinar is rarely seen without his smoking pipe, and the man's beard and clothes constantly reek of Lowlander pipeweed.


Family Ties

Khinar has yet to choose a marriage partner, though several candidates have presented themselves over the past years.

Religious Views

Khinar grew up worshipping the Red Sisters, but has lately fallen away from their practices. He still keeps a small shrine to them on his property, but he also regularly attends services to the Six Saints whenever he travels south.

Social Aptitude

Khinar can make conversation with almost anyone, about anything. He's excellent at getting people to reveal what they really want, and how much they're willing to compromise to get it.


Unfailingly polite, even under duress. Khinar exhibits little of the hot tempers or grand passions that the Antari are known for.


Khinar Antyre

Brother (Important)

Towards Hennan Antyre



Hennan Antyre

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Khinar Antyre




Khinar is trying to sway his sister Hennan away from pursuing vengeance against the Dillestone soldiers who ruined a shrine to the Red Sisters. He knows Hennan's gods demand retribution, but the political costs could prove to be too damaging (especially to Khinar.)

Khinar Antyre

Antagonist (Important)

Towards Iseabail McCloughhaven



Iseabail McCloughhaven


Towards Khinar Antyre



Khinar seeks to humble Iseabail and force her to swear her allegiance to House Antyre , bringing the Reach back under their control. He won't hesitate to engineer her removal if given no other choice.

Khinar Antyre

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Sarischa Ravana



Sarischa Ravana

Rival (Important)

Towards Khinar Antyre




Sarischa first stood up to Khinar at the Cracked Emerald Taven in McCloughhaven's Reach, attempting to defend Iseabail McCloughhaven's honour. Tensions escalated soon after when Sarischa sent their spy to steal personal effects from Khinar's advisors. Khinar returned the favour by sending back the spy's severed ring finger to Sarischa.

Current Status
Negotiating Truces
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1410 32 Years old
Hennan Antyre (Sister)
The Six Saints
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Khinar speaks fluent Banteavan and Antari. He has retained a private tutor to instruct him in the ways of the Dunefalli tongue.

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