North Market Settlement in The Kingdom Era | World Anvil

North Market


The famous markets have a diverse population, considering it is a major trading point, a large amount of people travel through of all different races and ethnicities. It is a popular meeting place for pirates and those who live there protect many of them against foreign forces attempting to find them. Some say that witches and warlocks also roam the market place looking to sell magical goods they have created.


Most people who work the streets are well prepared for confrontation and can hold their own, however there is still a strong guard force in place in cases of large disputes.

Industry & Trade

North Market is arguably the largest and most diverse trading establishment in the known world. People travel from all over the realm to walk from stall to stall attempting to find valuables, due to this however there are large risks of getting false goods as educated traders use a variety of techniques to manipulate unaware shoppers.


The markets mainly consist of small wooden establishments roughly put together with their only function to be that of trading. The largest and sturdiest buildings in North Market are royally owned or funded such as the barracks. The House Nagara keep is can be seen from any point in North Market, it houses the paranoid lord Symond Nagara and his family.
Alternative Name(s)
Big Port, Main Market, Pirate Market
Included Locations


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