Collection of the Six Organization in The Kingdom Era | World Anvil

Collection of the Six


Those who worship one of the six gods of the relgion are heavily advised to devote themselves to all six, as they can gain grace from all their teachings as oppose to just one. Many who have declared to serve their lives for the six can be found in Temple of the Six in the Gold City.


The Collection of the Six is the dominant religion in The Isles of Isaiath, It was first preached in Tis'Envar and spread rapidly. It gained popularity as the good religion, only worshiping the "good Gods."


Religious worship is done in six-walled buildings called temples. The wealthier temples have statues and altars for each of the Six, whereas poorer ones might use carved masks or crude charcoal drawings of the Six. The altars are sometimes inlaid richly with mother-of-pearl, onyx, and lapis azuli. Windows are from leaded glass, depicting scenes and pictures, and a great crystal catches light, spreading it in a rainbow of colors. Temples can be found across The Isles of Isaiath, although they are rare in The Forest. Some lords might agree to have a Temple build upon their lands. If such cases, the Temples are the property of the lord in question.   Prayer in a Temple is done to each of the gods that one wishes to ask for aid. Holding hands and singing is often part of worship and prayer. Candles can be lit to honor the gods. People may wear signs of devotion to a particular god, such as a small iron hammer on a thong for Gond. Crystals and light are important elements in the Faith.   The dark colors of Wet Stone are important to worshipers of the Six. The legendary Tempus' Warriors group wore dark purple cloaks, crystals in Temples create purple auras.
Religious, Organised Religion
Economic System
Gift economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Permeated Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Myths


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