Wandering Court Organization in The Kantas Expanse | World Anvil
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Wandering Court

"Where rivers meet, where waters fall,
where raindrops dance and fishes call
their home, the place where rushes grow,
if there you find, not far to go.
In mirror's edge, in river's bend,
the Wandering Court, your journey's end."
Find Your Way Lost - anon.
    They say you cannot step in the same river twice, which as any denizen of the Wandering Court knows is completely ludicrous and exactly right. 'Where' the court sits is a difficult concept, the answer is more an idea than a location. Yet they have territory and lands, so theoretically it could be drawn on a map, but the heart of the court - where King Ulorian rules, is as mercurial and ever-shifting as its ruler.   The Wandering Court holds to the raw chaos of the Feywild - its pure mutability, and find themselves representing this through the medium of water. Ulorian is the River King, after all, and water is - can be - everything and anything. Ice to build houses, or freeze the unprotected or cool a drink on a hot day; water to refresh, to give life, to carry, to drown; steam to obscure, to burn, to exfoliate. If all you want to be is whoever the hells you want, without conforming to another's ideals or formulas, then you may find yourself falling through your own reflection in a tidepool to a cheerful welcome in the Wandering Court.   Ulorian does not so much rule as have whims, and his whims are the most important. If this doesn't sound like a safe living environment, you know both that the Wandering Court is not for you, and that this is why in mortal mythology, water holds such a terrifying power. It earned its place there, and the Wandering Court is the very embodiment of that.
Court, Royal


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