Amythest Peninsula Geographic Location in The Interstice | World Anvil
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Amythest Peninsula

The stale air and stench of death permeats throughout the Amethyst Peninsula. An ever present feeling of morbid dread lingers in the air as even in the forgotten reaches of the interstice, the grip of Nagash never seems too far off. The ground is littered with amethyst gem stones, thus giving name to this place. But those with greed in their eyes should turn away before their lust brings them to their ruin, for coveting these gemstones too long will steal anyone's soul, leaving an empty husk to wither away in this harsh landscape.   The purple wastelands give way to mucky marshlands. The Risen Marshes are home to many different necrotic beasts, lying in wait in the looming darkness for a hapless soul to devour. These wetlands bridge the peninsula to the Dusk Woods, where even the dauntless undead sometimes fear to tread.
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