Triaxite Ethnicity in The Infosphere | World Anvil
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Major language groups and dialects

Shared customary codes and values

Much of traditional Triaxian culture revolves around the relationship between humanoids and dragons. Triaxite society is split up into four distinct levels.  


The undisputed uppermost class of Triaxus, defined by the few full-blooded dragons that resist the lure of treasure to rule over humanoids - or in the case of chromatic dragons, to gain it faster. They reign with terrifying power, centuries of experience, and often a variety of powerful magics. Each city is ruled by a single Daramaekstrix, with a Daramaekstrix-king (usually an elder dragon) ruling a kingdom of these cities. These Daramaekstrix-kings have no formal title, as dragons only consent to titles for the sake of lesser beings' understanding; amongst themselves there is no need.  


Translated as 'dragonbloods' by Common- speaking non-locals, Darastrixethe are those with an undisputed draconic lineage live in a separate class between Dragons and other humanoids - similar to a class of nobles in some other cultures. The most populous of these are the Half-Dragons and Dragonborn who compete fiercely against one another for dominance. Others of draconic heritage (such as sorcerers whose magic stems from a draconic lineage) are also accepted - if they can prove it.
From these people, a Rthizjur'festr Daramek'strks is appointed to provide communication between a city's Daramaekstrix and their civil leadership.
  • Dragonborn Darastrixethe: Triaxite society amongst the dragonborn is further divided by their own, unique clan culture that focusses on individual merit leading to power.


The most populous class on Triaxus, making up just over half of the world's population. 'Two-leggers' are any non-dragon-related sentients: humans, elves, dwarves and so on. The average dokaal is the clerk at the local store, a business owner spanning one or two continents or a minor celebrity. Tourists are "dokaali" by default, and treated as the lowest of the dokaal class.  


Although the word simply means "Kobold", in the right context it carries certain implications, often with similarities to the reptiles they are named after. The petisse class tend to wheedle, beg and negotiate those more powerful than themselves - while simultaneously exhibiting cutthroat brutality on those weaker or less savvy. It is often made up of the least cunning criminals, thugs, disabled, and unlucky.

Art & Architecture


Like dwarves, Triaxites are often practical about the arts. Few items were created for purely artistic reasons, instead having a functional purpose behind them. Despite this, like the dwarves, Triaxite arts were not at all ugly or mundane in appearance and craftsmen took time and care in creating new works. As pieces representative of the skill of a craftsman, Triaxite art pieces often possessed a distinctive flair that was draconic or elemental in nature and they were often embroidered with jewels or precious metals.

Not all Triaxite art is purely pragmatic in nature, however - they also cultivate a love for jewellery as well. Jewelers, gemcutters, smiths, and minters have a respected place in Triaxite society. Triaxites often adorn themselves with baubles of all sorts in imitation of dragons. Like dragons, many Triaxites develop a craving for precious metals and jewels that borders on hoarding, though most choose restraint over the gross overindulgence that 'wild' dragons do.  


Like their approach to art, the attitude towards leisure activities is very practical, and when Triaxite citizenry aren't at work they most often engage in sports with a training component to them. Often competitive, these sports usually lack teams, with the most popular games ending in victory for one, clear winner. Many of these sports are also violent, particularly by the standards of many other cultures, and combat simulators are a clear favourite amongst the peoples.  

Strategy games

Not all 'sports' are so physical, however - Triaxites are also fond of strategic board games, riddle contests, or improvised storytelling events. In all cases, the emphasis for recreation is on the triumph of the individual and the improvement of practical skills. Most know nothing, or perhaps only rumours of the dragon's game of xorvintaal.  


Farothai was a side dish of stuffed bread originating on Golarion. It was often stuffed with meat, vegetables, potatoes, cheese or salad.

Common Taboos

The dragonborn drive for honour carried on into the Triaxite culture. The most horrible moral crime is oath-breaking; honesty is expected whenever a deal was struck. Commitment to a word is expected to be carried out to-the-letter and all parties in a transaction were held accountable and responsible for failings. Ultimately, those who failed to meet their word were expected to accept the consequences and, in fact, most do so.
The penalties for lying are severe, but none more so than for claiming a right to be Darastrixethe with a falsified bloodline.

Major organizations

Many Draconic-funded organisations are associated with the natives of Triaxus.


/*remember to also keep the Triaxus (location) article's history up-to-date*/

  1. The planet is unified by a warlord-dragon by the name of Triaxus. His empire would last for a few hundred years before shattering upon his death - enough time for the planet to adopt the name of his empire, and himself.
  2. For millennia, the fractious humanoid nations of the Allied Territories battled against the dragon-ruled nations of the Drakelands. The tactically crucial Skyfire Passage between the two warring continents was the vital strategic chokepoint that both sides battled over.
  3. 1/1/0AG: Triaxus awakened after the Gap at the start of the change into winter.
  4. 2AG to 3AG: The creation of the dragonborn.
  5. 15/8/7: The Skyfire Mandate emerges, defending the isthmus for the Allied Nations.
  6. 41AG: With the coming of the Absalom Pact, the primarily evil dragons of the Drakelands saw the advantages of membership and trade with the other Pact Worlds, and active hostilities ceased.
  7. 48AG: The Allied Nations merge with the Drakelands.
  8. 1/3/79AG: Spring began.
  9. 1/6/158AG: Summer began.
  10. 1/9/237AG: Autumn began.
  11. 1/1/317AG: Winter began.

Dragon Alignments

Although not all dragons follow the moral and philosophical stereotypes set out by the rest of their species, the vast majority do.



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