The Empty Quarter Geographic Location in The Inbound Lands | World Anvil

The Empty Quarter

A desert vast and timeless

Vast and dangerous, The Empty Quarter is a desert that takes up a major part of the central area of The Inbound Lands, its edges contained only by the mountainous area of the border to Ochi Oxta , by the Kkaxe River and the buttes of O-pa'zo to the east, the cliffs and high land of Ochi Maninhka to the south, and the Badlands of Ochi Ihkisoce to the North. It is sometimes described as a "sand sea."


Despite its name, the Empty Quarter is far from empty or barren: dunes cover areas (including the area of dunes known formally as The Empty Quarter, which straddles the centralmost band of the region), but the area is interspersed with scrubland, earthenworks which help disrupt the flow of dunes, and, in areas still drawing from underground aquifers, prairie.

Fauna & Flora

The Quarter is home to common desert fauna, such as a wide variety of snakes and insects, as well as the occasional coyote. If one were to believe in such things, The Empty Quarter is said to the main home of the Long Face Folk figure Coyotl.   The Quarter is also home to a diversity of fauna birds, and is a major exporter of trained fauna for Falconry. Falconry is a traditional occupation in the area.   In areas with more grassland, or along the rocky borders, Inhin^kitsezhe, or Gohts, are common sights, along with the desert hare. In these borders, one is more likely to find ilongezi.   In areas of water, it is common to find toads and the ever-present Gekkotah.   Flora ranges from area to area, but cactus are a consistent sight in all but the areas of active dunes. In these, a broad variety of tall and flexible dunegrasses can be found, including Dune Gehpena and Dune Mi'gitche. Shrubs and short trees such as Metseki'teh and Desert Wehloh can be found at the borders and in the less active areas. In some areas near The Left Fork, Megacycadus can be found.

Natural Resources

The Empty Quarter is home to a few underground aquifers, though access is challenging. It also has a high concentration of ruins continuously buried or uncovered by the sands, which provide scavenged well-preserved materials, mechanworks, and empowerments for trade.
Alternative Name(s)
The Quarter
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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