Hope and Fear Material in The Hunter's Dream | World Anvil
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Hope and Fear

Hope and Fear are among the most potent emotions that humans can experience, and are metaphysically significant to the Powers and those with a connection to them. Each Power is strongly associated with a specific form of at least one of these two emotions, and that association is what gives them their most common name. The exact nature of this relationship is difficult to define, particularly for the Powers themselves, though for humans bound to them, it is akin to a form of sustenance, or perhaps an addiction. For example, those bound to the Hunter feel a compulsion to Hunt worthy prey, and greatly prefer a hunt where their target knows what's coming to an ambush that ends them before they fully comprehend the situation.  

Specific Powers

The Hunter: The Hunter relates to both hope and fear: the hope of the hunter for a successful hunt and the fear of being caught and destroyed. Both facets of this are increased with the difficulty of the hunt. Common prey like rabbits face the fear of predation their whole lives, making it a dull constant of life. Hunting apex predators, and things even more dangerous introduces this fear to a new being, all the more intense for its novelty. And for the hunter, a more dangerous prey makes the hope for success all the more tenuous and desperate - fail to hunt a rabbit and you don't have a meal; fail to hunt a lion and you might find yourself the lion's prey instead.   The Wonder: The Wonder feeds on the hope for new discoveries. It is most commonly encountered by explorers, though researchers and inventors also fall under its influence. Most agents of Wonder are masquerades of natural phenomena, presented to humanity to drive us to new heights of curiosity, such as the enormous life forms known as Megaflorica.


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