"Cowards Note" - May 2nd, 3168 EM - Scrag Caverns Document in The Horrors Beyond the Crypt: Yharm, Goddess of the Damned | World Anvil
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"Cowards Note" - May 2nd, 3168 EM - Scrag Caverns

A hastily written note on a piece of soot covered parchment.   "I managed to slip out as it was getting really bad in here [Scrag Caverns]. First it was the goblin, not a huge problem, they are easy to scare away or take care of alternatively, but then those skeleton forgers came and killed everyone. My friends, slaughtered in an instance, they didn't stand a chance. I hid in a barrel and ran as soon as I had the chance. So much blood and bodies... I... I don't know If I can live with myself, running and hiding instead of saving my friends. If anyone finds this. Don't run. Stand and fight. Don't be a coward like me..."   -Vondutt Breithiem


The party was told to go to this cavern by Vondutt's brother, Taldek, since he hadn't heard from Vondutt in a long while. This note serves as a story element to show that, yes, Vondutt was here, but is no longer, and, as far as we know, he is still among the living.
Guide, Generic


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