The Two Moons of Alven Geographic Location in The Hollow Moons | World Anvil
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The Two Moons of Alven

The Shine and The Shadow

There are two moons in the Alven skies: one is brighter than the other one. They both rise from the North East and set in the North West. The Shine is the brightest of the two. It seems closer to earth than its counterpart The Shadow. At its perigee, the Shine looks huge rising from the North over the horizon. The nights become really bright if there are no clouds on these days. The Shadow is a fainter version of The Shine and can be seen lower over the horizon. The two moons have a parallel course around the Earth. They follow each other in the sky. It seems as if the Shadow races the Shine across the sky but cannot compete and always falls behind. In myths, the Shadow is the hunter who waits till the End of Days to be able to catch its prey, the Shine. When all is done and told, the two moons will converge finally and precipitate the apocalypse.
With the invention of telescopes and lunettes, Sky Gatherers and  The Stargazer have been able to look more closely at the moons. The capital and other big cities where there is an Archive presence boast of a state of the art Planetarium.
Alternative Name(s)
The Hunt
Planetoid / Moon
Included Locations


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