Casmaron Geographic Location in The History and Future of Golarion | World Anvil


East of the World’s Edge Mountains spans the largest of Golarion’s land masses, the sprawling supercontinent of Casmaron. Traders seeking the exotic markets of the east venture along the Golden Path, an informal trade route leading from Qadira’s capital in Katheer through the hostile central steppes and deserts of Casmaron to the heartland of Imperial Kelesh. From there, the route ventures through the storied Impossible Kingdoms of Vudra, a realm so fantastic and sublime that the stories told by those who claim to have traveled there must surely be lies. Kelesh claims all of this immense region as it's own, vastly surpassing the landmass of Cheliax or Taldor at their respective heights. Casmaron is 6000 miles high and 4000 miles across and dominated by the landlocked Castrovin Sea (2400 miles across and 1800 miles high). The Padishah Empire of Kelesh rules all significant civilisations of this continent.   Casmaron is at once densely populated and eerily empty—its bustling empire is interspersed with the ghost-haunted wastes of lost civilizations. To the south lies the Keleshite States of the the Impossible Kingdoms of Vudra and their mighty rajahs. Traders flock to the archipelago of Iblydos, where legends walk the streets under the tutelage of cyclopean sages. Countless caravans travel the trade routes between these nations, rolling through the nomad-controlled Grass Sea. Yet no matter how this empire spreads it's wings, it is constantly reminded of their own mortality by the ruins of those vast civilizations that came before—places like Iobaria, fallen in the wake of the plague known as the Choking Death, and great Ninshabur, razed to the ground by the Tarrasque, a Spawn of Rovagug, monstrous offspring of the god of destruction.
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