CHONPS Mysteries Organization in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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CHONPS Mysteries

Based on the Mystery Cults of Ancient Greece (Dionysian, Orphic, Eleusinian, etc.) The CHONPS Mysteries are an exclusive cult of intellectuals of all species who indoctrinate their members using century-old rituals and practices in their pursuit to commune with the beings within the Cosmic Aurora in order to understand the cycle of the CHONPS Spectral Elements and how to overcome their mortality in the cycle.

The CHONPS Mysteries span across the entire sector on almost every planet. As their practices are transmitted orally and all initiated members are sworn to secrecy, not much is known about what goes on during a typical meeting or what they discover during a meeting.

Membership into the Mysteries requires a sponsor and a vow of secrecy and poverty to speak directly to the spark of creation.

While all Hellecians can use a tiny fraction of the Cosmic Aurora to affect their own personal attributes, based on their particular Patrokonoi-Hellecia. The Mysteries seek to detach their souls from their bodies and commune with the energy of the universe to overcome death.

While most planets in either hemisphere of the sector allow the Mysteries to operate without impunity, due to their peaceful nature. Many Hellecians are weary of their presence, given the misunderstanding of their doctrines and practices.

The only confirmed record of violence committed by one of the cults are when members of a Kothrian chapter "stopped the cycle" and ripped an Ionite member limb from limb for revealing his revelations in the Cosmic Aurora to the Chancellors of the Ionite Flotilla regarding the labors needed to lift their curse.

Religious, Cult

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