The Fortress World of Tempus Geographic Location in The Gulf of Zuros | World Anvil
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The Fortress World of Tempus

Planetary locked in orbit with its sister planet Tempus 2, Tempus 1 is a fortress world, geared around the mass training of all imperial guard regiments within the local and neighbouring systems. All non emergency raised regiments are transferred to Tempus 1 and are taken under the vigil of the Imperial Guard veterans to train and prepare them for coming conflict.


The planet has been addapted and reformed to meet the needs of the Imperial Guard, Entire continents have been given over to vast training war fields. Massive cities for conducting CQC drills, trenches and large forests for sharpening the skills required by the guard. Hundreds of fortress and bunker systems dot the surface acting a defensive centres against enemies.   Grassland continent, trench continent, jungle continent, mountain continent, aqua training ground, city continent and finally arctic continent

Fauna & Flora

Each continent has its own fauna and flora, only on the jungle continent are they considered dangerous to humans. There are dozens of natural beasts from the planet and shipped into to add extra training for the Guard.

Natural Resources

No natural resources of any major kind.
Alternative Name(s)
The wall, The hold, Temp 1
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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