Shiki Character in The Guild of Misfits & Majesty | World Anvil
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Shiki (/ʃiki/)

Written by Intern Heron on 10/05/1510 and kept up to date.
As a Druid of the Circle of Stars, Shiki possesses a deep connection to the cosmos and starry magic. She is communing with the stars and using their power in order to use Divination Magic. Shiki's affinity for the natural world allows her to shape-shift into animal forms, harness elemental forces, and heal allies through magic.   Shiki is a Kitsune, a fox-like humanoid with striking, multicolored fur and bright eyes. She is so far the only Kitsune part of the Guild of Misfits & Majesty. She has been raised in the Feywilds by Dryads, which explains her enthusiasm when it comes to plants and nature.   She joined the Guild in 1510, under the authority of Patron Cha-Ching. She is the second adventurer under this Patron.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shiki is quite agile, though slightly overweight. She has a noticeable layer of fat covering her body, particularly around the abdomen, hips, and thighs.

Body Features

Shiki's body is furry, she possesses a lot of traits that mammals share, especially traits that she shares with a fox. She has paws, and multiple tails. To this day, Shiki possesses 4 tails. A new tail appears when she grows in power.   Shiki is also digitigrade, meaning that she walks on her toes rather than her whole feet, much like an animal would.

Facial Features

She has whiskers, a long and pointed snout, much like a fox. Her eyebrows are shaped like cloud.

Shiki has long pink hair that she shapes with a braid on one side of her head.

Identifying Characteristics

She has a tattoo or a birthmark on her right arm representing a constellation adorned with clouds. According to her, she had this mark since she was born.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Shiki sees herself as a female, no matter in which form she is. She loves her Spring-Summer form and she is annoyed when she has to switch.   When she was younger, she was actively looking for a way to stop her body changing, unsuccessfully. However, as the years go by, she is getting used to it and accept it as part of change, even if it is still annoying to her.


As a pansexual, Shiki does not really mind intercourses with any species and gender. Though, weirdly enough, she prefers having intercourses as a male rather than a female.

According to her, it's because she does not know what will happen if she ever carries a child. And she does not when a risk of carrying a child.


Shiki has been raised by Dryads of the Feywilds and therefore, her education is based on a lot of knowledge around plants and Feys. She knows how to read, write (though poorly), count and speak different languages. Shiki speaks Common, Celestial, Sylvan and the secret Druidic.   It seems that she hasn't been taught Celestial but it was innate.   It also seems that Shiki has a form of dyslexia, which doesn't help with her writing.   She also seems to have an inkling to the knowledge of stars and constellations. She is capable of directing herself via stars. Though, it isn't certain if it's because of her species, or if it's because she is a Druid with this specialty.


As part of the Guild of Misfits & Majesty, Shiki is an Adventurer. She participates in missions for the Guild, and his under the directory of Patron Cha-Ching.   She was part of the mission that brought Asriel to the Guild.

Mental Trauma

Shiki is apparently part of the rarest species that can be found on Toril. Her real origins are unknown but according to herself, she comes from the stars.
The Hags of the Forgotten explained that her original world was destroyed and that her ancestors sent "seeds" across the universe, hoping for them to expand and live. As of today, the Guild of Misfits and Majesty hasn't located any other Kitsune. This revelation, along with the fact that Shiki has never seen someone like her, is probably affecting her as she is the only representant of her species.   Along with this, she also suffers from body dismorphia half of the year. As a matter of fact, Shiki is capable to switch her gender between female and make. Though this ability is not controlled, this phenomena happens twice a year: once at the beggining of Autumn and once at the beggining of Spring.

Personality Characteristics


Shiki does not seem to have a drive to become an adventurer. She does want to do good and help people when she can, however her goal is not to become hero. It seems she would rather enjoy meeting new people and make friends, especially ones that would last.

Being a long-lived being, Shiki seems to struggle finding somewhat that will not outlive her.

Likes & Dislikes

Shiki seems to be fond of trees and plants. As a Druid, it is fairly common to have this type of behaviour, but she is keen to protect them and take care them. She has apparently been caught talking to some plants while she was gardening.   She is a seamstress. Shiki seems to love creating clothes because they are pretty. Apparently, she seems to make clothing for a stylistic choice rather than comfort or temperature regulation. Because of her skill, she tends to be commissioned by fellow adventurers that needs specific items.


Contacts & Relations

Due to her origins, Shiki has some contact with some Dryads and the Spring Fey Court.   Shiki has won a contact with Yurel, a Beholder that loves to make puzzles. She is part of his puzzle club.

Hobbies & Pets

Taka is Shiki's bloodhawk. She managed to capture it after a mission. He apparently suffers from head trauma, making him not the best animal to follow orders.
Shiki, Druid of the Circle of Stars    

In-Progress Article

  ❗ This article is currently being worked on. It is subject to changes and modifications.
Circle of Stars
Current Status
Adventurer at the Guild of Misfits & Majesty
Date of Birth
Ches 19
Year of Birth
1387 DR 127 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Appeared from the stars.
Current Residence
She/Her, They/Them
Biannual Cycle
Mostly Female
Mostly Female
Light green
Long pink hair in Female Form and Short in Male Form
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pink and light pink with deep fushia marks
1,50m (4.9 ft) as Female; 1,60m (5.2ft) as Male
70 kg (154 lb)
Known Languages
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: Shiki, Druid of the Circles of Stars by Cha²