Perlisian Ethnicity in The Ground | World Anvil
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Perlisians are a harmonious and nature-centric ethnic group residing in the coastal beauty of Perlis. Their culture revolves around the appreciation of art, beauty, and a deep connection to the natural world. With a focus on sustainable practices, Perlisians blend traditional craftsmanship with minor magical enhancements. Raft funerals, floral offerings, and remembrance walks underscore their unique approach to honouring the departed.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Artemis (1), Athena, Auriela, Aurora (1), Calista (1), Cassandra (1), Celestia (1), Dianara (1), Elysia, Fortuna (1), Gaia (1), Gaiella, Octavia (1), Ophelia (2), Oriana (1), Persephone (1), Rosa (2), Sapphira (1), Selenaia (1), Selene, Seraphina, Silvius (1), Titania (2), Venus, Vestara

Masculine names

Apollo (1), Amos, Ares (1), Atlas, Caius, Casimir, Castor (2), Cyrus (1), Dionysus (1), Evander, Galen, Hades, Helios (1), Icarus, Jupiter, Leif, Leonidas (1), Lucius, Magnus (1), Malachi, Mercury (1), Neptune, Oberon (1), Odysseus (1), Orion, Perseus, Poseidon, Prometheus, Ptolemy, Silas, Solomon, Titan (1), Tyr (1), Valerian

Family names

Aquilianez, Arcadiano, Arcanus, Cassius, Heliosano, Ikarides, Luminis, Santiagius, Solerius


Atheniadis, Aurelius, Chrysanthos, Corazonio, Fidelis, Ignis, Invictus, Lavinia, Meridianos, Serenus, Valerius, Veridianez, Vespera, Voltaire


Major language groups and dialects

Culture and cultural heritage

Cultural Celebrations and Festivals

Perlisians actively participate in cultural celebrations and festivals that showcase the rich tapestry of their traditions. These events feature music, dance, rituals, and traditional ceremonies, providing opportunities for the community to come together

Community Rituals and Ceremonies

Various community rituals and ceremonies are observed throughout the year, marking important cultural milestones. These events often involve collective participation, reinforcing a sense of community and shared identity.

Shared customary codes and values

Harmony with Nature

A deep respect for the natural world is ingrained in the culture. Citizens strive to live in harmony with nature, valuing the environment and seeking to preserve the beauty of the jungles and beaches.


Equality is a core value. Citizens believe in equal opportunities, rights, and respect for all individuals, regardless of gender, race, or background. This egalitarian mindset is reflected in both social and professional spheres.

Creativity and Artistry

Creativity is celebrated as a form of self-expression. The arts, including visual arts, music, and storytelling, are highly valued. Citizens take pride in their artistic pursuits, contributing to a culturally rich environment.

Community Support

The sense of community is strong, and citizens actively support each other. Whether it's helping neighbors, participating in communal events, or contributing to shared initiatives, the community is viewed as a source of strength and solidarity.

Compassion and Empathy

Compassion and empathy are fundamental values. Citizens actively seek to understand and support each other emotionally. Acts of kindness and empathy are not only encouraged but also seen as integral to a harmonious society.


Welcoming guests and strangers with warmth and generosity is a cultural norm. Hospitality is considered a virtue, and citizens take pride in making others feel comfortable and valued.

Celebration of Diversity

Diversity in all its forms is celebrated. Whether it's cultural, artistic, or personal differences, citizens appreciate and embrace the richness that comes from diverse perspectives and experiences.

Peaceful Resolution

Conflict resolution is approached with a commitment to peaceful and diplomatic solutions. Citizens value open communication and seek resolutions that promote understanding and harmony.

Common Etiquette rules

Greeting with Warmth

Greetings are exchanged with genuine warmth and friendliness. A smile, eye contact, and a welcoming demeanor are customary when meeting someone, regardless of the setting.

Respect for Personal Space

While warmth is encouraged, there's also an understanding and respect for personal space. Citizens are mindful of physical boundaries and avoid overly intrusive behavior during conversations or interactions.

Acknowledgment of Cultural Differences

Perlisians actively acknowledge and appreciate cultural differences. Whether in language, attire, or customs, individuals express curiosity and respect for diverse backgrounds, fostering an inclusive atmosphere.

Offering and Accepting Gifts

Gift-giving is a common practice to express appreciation or celebrate special occasions. When presenting a gift, it is done with both hands and received with gratitude. The thoughtfulness behind the gift is emphasized.

Polite Communication

Politeness is integral to communication. Using "please" and "thank you" is standard, and individuals strive to express themselves in a way that considers the feelings and perspectives of others.

Dining Etiquette

During meals, there is an emphasis on shared dining experiences. It is common to wait until everyone is served before starting to eat. Table manners, such as not speaking with a full mouth, are observed.

Gracious Hosts and Guests

Whether hosting or being a guest, there is an expectation of gracious behavior. Hosts make an effort to ensure guests feel comfortable, and guests express appreciation for the hospitality extended to them.

Apologising and Forgiving

Apologising when warranted and forgiving are culturally encouraged. People recognise that everyone makes mistakes, and the ability to apologise and forgive contributes to maintaining positive relationships.

Common Dress code

Light and Breathable Fabrics

Given the warm climate, citizens commonly wear clothing made from light and breathable fabrics.

Vibrant Colors

Vibrant and bold colors are a hallmark of Perlisian fashion. Citizens often wear clothing adorned with colorful patterns, reflecting the lively and vibrant atmosphere of the country.

Accessories and Jewellery

Artisan-crafted accessories and jewellery are popular. Citizens often wear handmade pieces that showcase craftsmanship and contribute to the overall artistic expression of their attire.

Art & Architecture

Community Art Projects

Collaborative art projects are common, bringing together artists and community members to create large-scale installations, sculptures, or interactive art pieces. These projects foster a sense of unity and shared creativity.

Art Festivals

Perlis hosts regular art festivals that showcase a diverse range of artistic expressions. These festivals attract artists from various disciplines, including painting, sculpture, music, and dance, creating a dynamic cultural scene.

Artisan Markets

Local artisan markets are vibrant hubs where artists and craftspeople display and sell their creations. These markets celebrate traditional and contemporary art forms, providing a platform for artists to connect with the community.

Greek-Inspired Architecture

Buildings in Perlis showcase an architectural style inspired by Ancient Greek design. The use of columns, marble, and intricate detailing creates a visually striking and harmonious cityscape.

Maximalist Rococo Interiors

While the exteriors often embrace a classical Greek aesthetic, interior designs lean towards maximalist rococo styles. Elaborate furnishings, intricate detailing, and opulent decorations contribute to the overall aesthetic.

Living Architecture

Some buildings incorporate living elements into their design, such as walls adorned with climbing plants or rooftop gardens. This blurs the lines between architecture and nature, creating visually stunning and environmentally conscious structures.

Incorporation of Water Features

Given the goddess Nyissa's association with the ocean, water features like fountains, reflecting pools, and artificial lakes are common in architectural designs. These features contribute to a sense of tranquility and continuity.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Community Gatherings

Regular community gatherings take place, providing opportunities for citizens to come together, share stories, and celebrate shared experiences. These gatherings often involve music, dance, and communal meals.

Artisan Markets

Artisan markets are common, allowing local craftsmen and artists to showcase their work. These events contribute to a vibrant cultural scene and provide a platform for the exchange of handmade goods.

Seaside Yoga and Meditation

Along the golden beaches, yoga and meditation sessions are held, providing individuals with an opportunity to connect with nature, promote well-being, and foster a sense of inner peace.

Floating Lantern Ceremonies

On special occasions, floating lantern ceremonies are organized near bodies of water. Citizens release lanterns carrying messages of hope and positivity, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Community Well-Wishing

During a community gathering, neighbors and friends come together to offer well-wishes and gifts to the newborn and their family. This collective celebration reinforces the sense of community and shared joy.

Ceremonial Jewellery

The baby is gifted with a piece of ceremonial jewellery, often incorporating symbols of nature. This piece serves as a cherished keepsake, passed down through generations.

Musical Blessings

Musicians compose melodies to celebrate the birth. The sound of music is believed to bring positive energy and harmony to the newborn's life.

Coming of Age Rites

Community Service Project

Initiates engage in a community service project, contributing their time and efforts to a cause that aligns with the values of Perlis. This emphasizes the importance of social responsibility and active participation in community well-being.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Raft Funerals

When a Perlisian passes away, their body is placed on a beautifully adorned raft. The raft, adorned with flowers and symbolic items, is set afloat on the gentle waves of the sea. Once the raft has drifted a certain distance, a flaming arrow is lit and shot onto the raft, symbolizing the peaceful release of the soul.

Floral Offerings

Friends and family members gather to create intricate floral arrangements as offerings for the departed. These arrangements may include native flowers and plants, reflecting the beauty of Perlis's natural surroundings.

Annual Remembrance Day Gathering

On Annual Remembrance Day, families come together for a collective gathering. They share remembrance walks and offer floral tributes to the departed. These walks traverse scenic routes, providing an opportunity for reflection and connection with nature while honouring the memories of the departed.


Marriage Customs

Marriage Ceremony

The Perlisian marriage ceremony is a beautiful and meaningful celebration of love, nature, and community. Set against the backdrop of the coastal beauty of Perlis, the ceremony takes place in an enchanting outdoor setting, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant floral decorations. The couple dress in white and friends, family, and neighbors gather together to witness and participate in the joyous occasion.

As the ceremony begins, the couple stands hand in hand at the edge of a natural pool of water or the sea, the gentle sound of waves providing a soothing backdrop to the proceedings. Together, they descend into the water, gradually immersing themselves until they are half submerged, symbolizing their willingness to dive deep into their union and embrace the depths of their love.

A poet stands nearby, ready to share a heartfelt poem tailored to the couple. Their words are filled with beauty, emotion, and wisdom, capturing the essence of the couple's love and the natural splendor of their surroundings. As the poet recites the poem, the couple listens intently, their hearts overflowing with love and gratitude for each other and the world around them.

At the culmination of the poem, the couple shares a tender and heartfelt kiss, sealing their marriage and affirming their commitment to each other. The kiss is a moment of pure magic and joy, witnessed by their loved ones who surround them with smiles, cheers, and applause.

After the ceremony, the group makes their way to the site of the bonfire, where a roaring fire awaits them. The bonfire casts a warm and inviting glow over the festivities, illuminating the night sky and creating a sense of warmth and camaraderie among the gathered guests.

As the newlyweds dry off by the fire, they are enveloped in the love and laughter of their friends and family. Music fills the air, and the sound of laughter and conversation echoes into the night as the celebration continues long into the evening.

Common Taboos

Disrespecting Nature

Harming or disrespecting the natural environment, including the beaches and jungles, is considered taboo. Perlisians believe in living in harmony with nature, and any action that disrupts this balance is frowned upon.


Wasteful practices, whether in daily life or during community events, are taboo. Perlisians emphasize the importance of sustainability and responsible resource use to ensure the well-being of the community and the environment.

Interrupting Artistic Expressions

Disrupting or disrespecting artistic performances, exhibitions, or creative expressions is considered taboo. Art is deeply cherished, and any interference with its creation or appreciation is seen as an affront to cultural values.

Disharmony in Community Gatherings

Causing disharmony or discord during community gatherings, ceremonies, or festivals is taboo. Perlisians value unity and collective joy, and any behavior that disrupts the communal spirit is discouraged.

Discouraging Artistic Growth

Discouraging or suppressing artistic growth, whether in individuals or the community as a whole, is considered taboo. The encouragement of creativity and artistic expression is deeply ingrained in Perlisian values.

Desecrating Raft Funerals

Desecrating or interfering with the raft funerals by the sea is considered taboo. This ritual symbolizes the peaceful journey of the departed, and any disruption is seen as a lack of respect for the cycle of life.


Beauty Ideals

Natural Elegance

Citizens appreciate a natural and effortless elegance. The ideal is not necessarily an overdone or heavily adorned appearance but rather a simplicity that highlights the individual's inherent beauty.

Vibrant Colours

Bold and vibrant colours are embraced, inspired by the lush jungles and golden beaches. Citizens often incorporate these hues into their clothing and accessories, creating a lively and visually striking atmosphere.

Celebration of Diversity

Beauty ideals in Perlis are inclusive, celebrating diversity in all its forms. Features that may be considered unique or unconventional are often embraced as distinctive and beautiful.

Radiant Skin

The perpetual daylight in Perlis contributes to a culture that values healthy and radiant skin. Skincare rituals, often using natural ingredients from the jungles, are incorporated into daily routines.

Affection for Scents

Aromatic oils and perfumes play a significant role in the beauty rituals of Perlis (Country). Citizens often wear scents derived from local flora, adding an olfactory dimension to the overall aesthetic experience.

Confidence and Inner Beauty

Above all, confidence and a sense of inner beauty are revered. Citizens believe that embracing oneself authentically and radiating confidence contributes significantly to an individual's attractiveness.

Gender Ideals

Fluidity and Individual Expression

Gender expression is fluid and allows individuals the freedom to express themselves in a way that feels authentic. There is a lack of strict gender norms, fostering an environment where people can explore and embrace their unique identities.

Egalitarian Values

Perlis places a strong emphasis on equality between genders. There is a shared belief that all individuals, regardless of gender, should have equal opportunities and respect in all aspects of life.

Inclusivity and Acceptance

Perlis (Country) places a strong emphasis on inclusivity and acceptance of all gender identities. There is a sense of community and support, with a shared understanding that everyone's journey is unique.

Courtship Ideals

Autonomous Pursuit

Individuals are encouraged to take an active role in pursuing romantic interests. Courtship is not restricted to one gender making the first move; both parties feel empowered to express their feelings and intentions.

Emphasis on Communication

Open and honest communication is highly valued during courtship. Individuals are encouraged to share their feelings, expectations, and desires to foster mutual understanding and avoid misunderstandings.

Mutual Consent and Respect

Consent is a fundamental aspect of courtship. Both parties actively seek and respect each other's boundaries, and the importance of mutual consent is emphasized throughout the process.

Celebration of Friendship

Courtship often begins with the foundation of a strong friendship. Building a connection based on shared interests, laughter, and understanding is seen as integral to a successful romantic relationship.

Time for Self-Reflection

Individuals are encouraged to take time for self-reflection during courtship. Understanding one's own values, expectations, and desires is seen as important before entering into a romantic relationship.


For The Wealthy


Courtship for nobility in Perlis often begins with the involvement of families in arranging marriages. Parents play a significant role in selecting suitable partners for their children, taking into account factors such as social status, family reputation, and compatibility of values.


Wealthy Perlisians host lavish parties to introduce eligible bachelors from around the world to their daughters. These events serve as opportunities for potential suitors to impress the family and the bride.


Interested men must demonstrate their suitability and worthiness to the family and the bride through acts of charm, wit, and accomplishment.


The bride ultimately selects one of the suitors to marry, based on factors such as social standing, compatibility, and personal preference.


Wealthy male Perlisians become eligible to attend these parties upon coming of age, allowing them to participate in the courtship process and vie for the hand of a wealthy bride.

Relationship Ideals

Mutual Growth

Relationships are seen as opportunities for personal and mutual growth. Partners encourage each other's aspirations and actively support the pursuit of individual goals and dreams.

Emotional Intimacy

Emotional connection and understanding are highly valued. Partners are encouraged to communicate openly about their feelings, fostering a deep sense of intimacy and trust within the relationship.

Equality and Partnership

Relationships are viewed as partnerships built on equality. Decision-making, responsibilities, and contributions are shared, creating a sense of balance and collaboration.

Continuous Communication

Ongoing communication is a cornerstone of successful relationships. Partners are urged to express their needs, desires, and concerns openly and actively listen to each other to maintain a strong emotional connection.

Familial Bonds

The concept of family extends beyond blood relations. Couples are encouraged to build strong bonds with each other's families and actively participate in family-oriented activities and celebrations.

Personal Independence

While the relationship is important, individuals maintain a sense of personal independence. Each partner is encouraged to have their own interests, friendships, and space for personal growth.

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