Casques Profession in The Great Tree | World Anvil


A small branch of the Galus Military, located exclusively inside the city of Port De Renard. This long arm of the law oversees that the city maintains its decorum and follows the laws as they are written. The odd mentality of these Guardsmen has caused quite the controversy over the years. Though, in recent times Duke Jacque De Renard has been attempting to overhaul the city watch.  
The Casques are an authoritarian and brutally efficient machine meant to keep the peace of the city. They follow the law as they are written, not the intent behind them. Leading them to be a slightly feared presence in the city. So long as the citizens and travelers are not outwardly disrespectful or break etiquette, they are typically left alone. The Casques are currently trying to destroy the group of thieves in the City known as The Foxes.


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