Casa Del Tabk Settlement in The Great Tree | World Anvil

Casa Del Tabk

As seen in
The city is home to the boisterous and music loving cultural center of the Island. The mass array of taverns, inns, brothels, and theaters have earned the City reputation of being a party town. Extremely well traveled by sailors and the average wanderer seeking an island destination.  
The shores of the southern island shine with white sand and thriving trade. The city has become a safe haven for any who didn't wish to settle in Port De Renard, or any a bit too much for the Casques of the city. While the city does boast a friendly and outwardly positive demeanor, one does need to be careful here.  
The city is also world renowned for its Corojo Tobacco plants, where they are sold as hundreds of thousands of cigars exported through the city Santa Cruz De Montique.


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