The Break Geographic Location in The Great Shift | World Anvil
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The Break

Running down the center of Nog Hreud is a river that separates the continent in two. Stretching from the east bank all the way to Nog's Eye is a region known as the Break. The region is a lawless are controlled by no nation or people. After the Bloodletting when mans need for bloodshed finally began to diminish, the Bankers of Kampala pushed for peace as the age long war was beginning to hurt their bottom line. Using their influence, they were able to get the Order to agree to establish a region not controlled by any nation that acted as a buffer between waring nations. In 143 EM, it was established that the area would run from the River Obhi to the northern slopes of Nog's Eye. To the east the region would end at the Sky River.


The city of Kratoi sits at the edge of the Stone Sea. In years past the city was a highway for many races that looked to flee the Kingdoms of Man. Controlled by the Forsaken Knights, the city is left unharmed by any nation as the Knights have remained neutral in their quest to help those in need. However, the city is in constant attack from roaming bandits.
Built in 182 EM, the fort at Stras was a bold move by King Balfour to stop what he believed was the encroachment of the Es-Ran tribes on the established neutral region. Many Bankers viewed this as a farce to expand the nations borders. Others allowed the fort to be built as the Es-Ran tribes were beginning to gather and did not allow the Bankers to establish holdings in their larger cities.  


With the construction of the fort in 182 EM, many bankers feared that war would once again break out. Many bankers feared this as they believed that the unstable peace was more profitable.

Important Factions:


Minor Factions: 

The Forsaken Knights


Cover image: by piotrdura


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