The Shi Empire Organization in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil

The Shi Empire

Descendants of the ancient Chinese threat, their submarine was beached in San Francisco in 2077 when the bombs fell. Taking advantage of an on-board computer, they used the artificial intelligence to help them survive and even thrive in the burning city. This allowed them to gain a foothold in the territory long before any Vaults opened or tribes ascended to full civilizations.

What happened next shocked many that had grown up with American propaganda shoved in their faces. By focusing their attention and efforts on scientific pursuits, they were able to begin solving some of the long-term complications that the Great War had brought about. With a surprisingly altruistic set of objectives, they began welcoming outsiders into their new home to establish a bustling west coast city. They named their fledgling empire after the Shih-huang-ti, the vessel that had brought them to America.

Though not without its faults or its rivals, the Shi Empire rose to such heights as to begin manufacturing their own vertibirds. They managed to splice together plant DNA to create a hybrid capable of absorbing and neutralizing radioactive particles in the environment, and even set their sights on space travel. With the ever expanding and conquering NCR breathing down their necks, they have been searching for a way to retain their independence and avoid a confrontation without having to compromise.

Expedition, Scientific


The Shi are quick to de-escalate any major confrontations with the other faction, but it is no secret that they have territory coveted by the larger organization.


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