Chimera Species in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil


Some of the most unsettling variants of the Anthropoids, these being are not entirely organic or synthetic, but a combination of both. Infused with microscopic nanites, they can regenerate mechanical components as easily as normal humans can replicate cells inside their body. They still require sustenance and material to accomplish these feats, however a highly diverse diet allows them to take nutrition from sources toxic to other living beings. Reconstituted limbs and organs will then take on the characteristics of the matter ingested as the tiny robots inside harvest raw components and then use these resources to repair any damage suffered. This can also rapidly alter a Chimera's resistances and abilities, making it difficult to predict or counter effectively. Many are capable of shapeshifting to some degree and will attempt to fool enemies with familiar faces or voices to lure them into an ambush.

Using an internal fission battery, these abominations are never unarmed. Not only are they equipped with traditional solid projectile and energy weapons, they are said to also utilize clouds of their microscopic robots to kill without ever needing to step out from behind their cover. Attempting to face one head on is also ill advised, as they are capable of becoming several magnitudes stronger with nothing more than a thought. Coupled with an inhuman ability to process information and react to stimuli, landing any blow on a Chimera within sensor range is nigh impossible. One might then assume range is an easier option, however they can disseminate information roughly billions of times faster than their organic counterparts. The sound of the shot alone typically contains enough raw data for a Chimera to anticipate an attack and avoid it altogether. These details will also provide the creature with the approximate whereabouts of the shooter, shifting the dynamic between the hunter and the hunted in the blink of an eye.

As with most other Anthropoids, each Chimera is as unique and different from one another as a handful of snowflakes. Some could even pass for human, while others are an amalgamation of tissues and machine that wreak havoc anywhere they turn. Although a part of Drake's original experiments, these abominations were created with technology even he does not fully understand. Due to this fact, they adhere to their own hierarchy and codes of conduct. While some seem to serve as little more than grunts, others have completely taken over the operation and now guide the future of the former terrorist organization. Not sharing their plans with outsiders, it is only clear that the way forward will not include a compromise of any kind with planetary life. With aims to begin a new galactic order, those unable or unwilling to meet their requirements will be recycled and processed until they do.


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