Adrián Garza Character in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil

Adrián Garza

Born before the Great War, Garza has a story as rich as anyone else that has lived for two hundred years. The shortest version is that he grew up in Texas and witnessed his fair share of injustice. When he was old enough to choose his own path, it was only a matter of time before he was drawn into law enforcement.

He made a big impression fast and was eventually accepted in the Texas Rangers. During his career he often volunteered to patrol dangerous sections and was credited with so many lawful kills that he was nearly investigated. The truth was that he was just faster on the draw than most men and had little tolerance for evil doers. He'd rather just see them die in front of him so they couldn't get lost in the system or get bailed out by some soft hearted relative.

Well respected within the Verdugos, Adrián now spends his days traveling between settlements to negotiate inclusion in the Syndicate's protection. Though not a total shakedown, those wishing to join do have a list of requirements before anyone can officially come to the table. Real estate needs to be surrendered so that a proper outpost can be set up for resupplying. Discounts are expected on necessity items and everyone from beggar to mayor must follow the basic laws or suffer the consequences.

  • Faction- Los Verdugos

  • Rank- Jinete, or Rider

  • Age- 236 years old

  • Birthplace- Brownsville, Pre-War Texas (United States)


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