Ulixi Species in The Great Dream | World Anvil


Ulixi are creatures of the basin. Ulixi are brutal cultists, despite the fact that they and fish-folk. They live in a wide community of wooden houses with seagrass roofs. At the center of the island that they live on is a temple made of clay, stones, and chunks of wood. In the temple is is a sacraficial table, surounded by countless pools of water. In the pools swim Ulixi Tadpoles. Every Ulixi fears the doomsday situation of the Basin running dry. A more intelligent species would attempt to build a dam, but the Ulixi choose to perform sacaficial rituals to Ahatario, their fish-god of the sea. They sacrafice their tadpole young, the oldest Ulixis in their tribe, and even themselves to defend the holy waters. they perform the ritual once every few months and when they do, the river of flames shows its name, because the water is filled with the crimson blood of the Ulixi.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Ulixi reproduce through egg-laying and they each lay their eggs in their own pool of water in the temple.

Growth Rate & Stages

When they hatch from their eggs, they are in their tadpole form. After a few weeks, they begin to develop legs and arms and emerge after about a month.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They eat sea creatures, including shellfish, eels, and shrimp. They also sometimes eat plants, like dried seaweed and vegtables.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The power roles are different in Ulixi civilization because the younger Ulixi rule and the old are of much less power. The young lead the rituals and live in large huts next to the temple.

Facial characteristics

Their faces are rather unpleasing, with their large mouths and oval eyes. Most of the time, they are not very tough-looking, and they keep their mouths relatively closed, even when they're talking. However, when they get angry, they sometimes open their mouths extremely wide and reveal their several rows of sharp, black teeth, sticking out of their purple gums.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live on the biggest island in the Basin, an island of Dartar.

Average Intelligence

The Ulixi are very unintelligent and there is a story that tells of a young noble boy who covers himself in seaweed and tricks the Ulixi into thinking that he is their god.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names often include a double letter at the beginning, for example, Qqarta, Ddar, or Ffarath.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak their own language, called Ulix, which is very hard for humans to speak.

Common Dress Code

Cloth or grass skirts.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They believe that they are reborn in a different body, every time they die, therefore, they don't care if they die.


The Ulixi were created by Heria to be defenders of the Basin. The Ulixi take their job very seriously. Ahatario is their Ulix version of Heria's name and they know that they have been placed onto Dartar to protect the Basin at any cost. Even their own lives.
30 years
Average Physique
They are usually rather skinny and short, with few of them reaching one hundred pounds. They are usually around four and a half feet tall and they often hunch their backs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have blue or green scales. Some of them have scales that shine in the light.


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