The Shining Caves - Original Geographic Location in The Great Dream | World Anvil

The Shining Caves - Original

This was the first article published in this world! Because of that, we have preserved it in its original state. You can find the cannon copy here!
  Inside the many floating rocks that make up Araborea are caves filled with luminescent mushrooms and creatures even more dangerous than the ones on the land above. The caves are filled with rare and precious gems only found in Araborea. Some advanced society's have been able to cross the void in huge flying ships and destroy some of the rocks to collect the gemstones inside. Most of these people are greedy and don't care about the animals that live there, only the gems. Only some of the people who have explored the winding tunnels and caverns of Araborea and have came out alive and they explain the beauty in the caves to be like all the stars in the sky just in arms reach.  

Natural Resources

  The walls of the shining caves are covered in rare gemstones, only found in Araborea.

Cover image: by juh juh ...