Temple of Moradin Building / Landmark in The Grand Duchy of Oberlan | World Anvil
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Temple of Moradin

Situated opposite the Temple Cuthbert, the Temple or Moradin is a low stone building, with a low ceiling. Once inside it almost resembles an underground cave, being dark and gloomy. It appears that quite a lot of the space inside is beneath ground level outside, as the small windows now seem quite high up and allow shallow beams of light to enter. The temple itself is arched into numerous vaults like a cellar, all for various different deities from the Dwarven Pantheon.   - Contains a forge of Moradin. - Contains shrines for all the minor gods in the pantheon. - Grimli is a “Bloodknight of Clangeddin” at the temple. - Dragma is the priest of Clangeddin. - The annal stones – carved heroic tales
Temple / Church
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