Hanged Man Tavern Building / Landmark in The Grand Duchy of Oberlan | World Anvil
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Hanged Man Tavern

The clientele of the tavern are spilling out onto the street. Loud, fractious arguments, impromptu games of chance and belligerent singing seem popular amongst the labourers, stevedores, dockworkers and sailors that gather to drink here. A fistfight breaks out but soon ends when one burly, tattooed bully flattens and angry flat-nosed brute with a flurry of punches. You asume the tavern gets it's name from the noose that hangs from a beam outside the entrance.     - Situated next to the blue shirts/red scarves HQ. - It is very popular with sailors and visitors. - It is used by lots of people from the North. - The owner used to be a pirate, his name is Captain Quint.
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