The golden lions Nimblewright Hunt
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Nimblewright Hunt

Criminal Activity

5 Kythorn 1495

After more searching the true location of the Niblewright was discovered. The Villa of the noble family known as the Gralhunds. The group immediatly mobilised to the villa, in order to track down the niblewright before it slipped between their fingers once again.

However once again the group was too late, they arrive to a morbid scene, the guards of the family murdered across the house and the thugs of the Zhentharim once again being one step ahead of them as they assault the villa.

Dispatching the Zhents, the group manages to arrive at the chambers of the lady of the house, however they where too late as the niblewright has escaped once again. Using a teleport circle concealed within a hidden compartment in the house. The group barely manages to make their way out alive as they are assaulted by the guards of the city, once again having to use their relationship with Renaer Neverember to escape prosecution.

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