Shinkwar Settlement in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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Shinkwar is a city like no other, in fact many would say it is not a city, but a simple monastery, however, if that is the case, it is a monastery that rivals the size and population of any city within the old empire. For its entire population lives within the so called "Shrine of Stone", the massive temple where both people and minkwar live in harmony. Its top seems to nearly reach to the skies, but its caves reach deep below the ground as well, for it is a building like no other and everyone pulls their own weight in maintaining it. The people live a truly symbiotic relationship with the monastery, as even the average person living within live very similar to the minkwar, and work in symbiosis to maintain the massive temple.


Shinkwar is a home for the stonemen people, being the original people of the land, and only capital of the 13 wyverns that does not have a majority metallic population, with stonemen making up 75% of the city's population. Despite how north it is, there are still metallic draken that live within the massive structure, who make up 20% of the population. The final 5% are miscellaneous species, ranging from urkur to firbolg, all who came there for the safety or for wanting to live in the so called ideal life of the monastery.


The people of Shinkwar live very communally and work very close together with each other, and as such tend to solve disputes in their tightly knit groups and very democratically. However, if disputes become too large, then a minkwar may get involved to help resolve the issue, with the more dire situations forcing higher rankings of minkwar, with the most serious disputes being sent up all the way to the elder of the monastery, who's wisdom at that point is believed to be the only one to know the solutions.


Despite its size, there seems to be, at least from pure appearance, little to not defences or even security within the monastery. No guards patrol its halls, and no siege equipment stands within holes in the structure, and there is no mighty armored warrior standing in front of its massive gates. What most don't realize however is that that is far from the case, for the warriors of the minkwar are never far, they masterfully hide in the background and sentries meditate within the wild, prepared for any intruder.

Industry & Trade

The industry of Shinkwar is very simple, for there are three main jobs within the monastery. There is farming, to help feed the people, there is mining who help bring out the vast metals deep within the ground, and then the smiths who help create the tools for the first two jobs, nearly working together as a cycle and as a community directly aiding each other. Along with this, everyone must be able to help maintain their homes, whether that be repairing the building or to help aid the sick.


The entire building is very well maintained, and its design elaborate and efficient, with many stairways and paths leading up down and around all over the building, each masterfully built to stand for centuries. Along with this, there are many open spaces where people work or spend time with those around them, with other spaces where people live around a communal camp fire where people eat together at the end of the day.

Guilds and Factions

The only true faction within the "city" that can be called as such is the minkwar that call it their home, as they make the biggest decisions for the city, with each rank corresponding to different levels of responsibility. Other than that, each person within the monastery is part of a close knit group usually called a family, who act as the representatives for each individual in the monastery, sometimes even electing one person to represent the group
Alternative Name(s)
Shrine of Stone
Owning Organization

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Cover image: by Muyou


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