Lukton Settlement in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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The so called Silver City of the old empire, with the Golden City being of course Gatherlak, it is perhaps one of the richest and one of the most famous cities in the continent. It is a city that truly represents the Golden Dragon, humble beginnings that later go to tragedy, and then rise up to never before seen heights. Because of the title, it is common for many of the buildings to have a silver finish to them, or at least in some way involve the color. For it is a city of commerce, a place where anyone can come to find work or a new life, and reap massive benefits from pure honest work and using one's mind to earn the most. It is truly a pinnacle of the empire along with the capital, a union of hard work and intelligence, and people of all walks of life and shapes and sizes.


Lukton is a city open to all peoples and walks of life that could be found in the old empire, as many people immigrated to it as it grew in search for profit, which has led it to having a very diverse population in terms of species that live within it. Metallics make up the largest portion still at 45%, but then the rest is first and second generation immigrants, from dalvarians to stonemen to urkur.


The government of Lukton is the same as Lonyth as a whole, meaning Arjan, who in a literal sense owns the entirety of the city, where he is able to earn hundreds of coins from the taxes and tariffs people must pay to live and work within. As such, he is able to pay for government officials and ministers who help manage the city to grow it further and spread its influence as a city.


The defense within the city is modern and strong, having high 6 meter walls that are dotted with towers and soldiers that patrol it. The guards that ensure people's safety are mercenaries who are of course paid a salary, but also given a place to live and stay, along with given more benefits the longer they stay such as easier ability to buy land or to invest into the locals, which has made the city very popular for warriors seeking a place for the future.

Industry & Trade

The name Silver City isn't simply because of the city's second nature to the old capital of the empire, but also because of its richness of silver mines close by to it, which previously were difficult to get to and extract, now is one of the primary jobs of many of those that live in the city, being the city's biggest export. As such, its biggest industry is the creation of the silver draken coins used all over the continent, along with any other business interested in using the silver such as for decorative purposes or other such things.


It is clear that a lot of money has gone into the infrastructure of the city, with beautifully paved roads that reach each corner of it, with large courtyards where people may do their business or work their craft. Due to investments into innovations as well, there is a complex system of sewers beneath the city that help ensure the health of the denizens that live above. On top of this, the roads are designed in such a way to allow specific paths for those walking and those with carriages, as to help with traffic.

Guilds and Factions

The city is filled to the brim with a large variety of guilds, each one trying to ensure to profit and job safety of those part of it, such as the miners guild who fights for better pay and conditions for the workers, or the coinage guild, who want better benefits for its employees and a fair share of the profits, and so on. It is quite common for these guilds to come into conflict, which leads to strong debates in the town house, but so far have never led to conflict in the form of violence or worse.
Owning Organization

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Cover image: by iidanmrak


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