Dragon Spire Settlement in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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Dragon Spire

One of the greatest architechural projects of the Old Empire is the now capital of Lelum, the Dragon Spire. It was designed to be a sister area to Gatherlak, but it was especially a place for the experimentation of the flow, and as such was designed to be reinforced against explosions and other accidents. As time went on, it became a hub for knowledge, as more and more minds were sent to it, slowly becoming more of a university or place of studying rather than some place for experiments. As such, a city began to grow around it, the great spire towering high above the city below, which in turn is the home for many intellectuals and people who create the powerful artifacts that are renowned throughout the world for their quality and power.


Dragon Spire is a hub for the most intelligent and talented people of the continent, and while the majority of those living within are metallic, there are pockets of people that are from all forms of places on the continent, from talvarians to daerlmen, and some chromatics who form their own isolated ghettos away from the metallic population. Metallics make 65% of the population, with chromatics making up 15% of the population, with the final 20% being of a large variety of races.


The main government is situated on the lowest level of the Dragon Spire itself, where government officials appointed by Mehena himself work. Usually, individual officials resolve disputes, but larger issues move on to the intellectuals on the higher levels, with those specializing in the issue's area taking charge. The most dire circumstances become presented to the Council of Minds, who debate amongst themselves the solutions that must be taken for whatever problem is presented.


Due to its positioning on a cliff, Dragon Spire has a great advantage when it comes to defence, and there is only one true way to enter the city through the south. As such, walls have been built here that reach 8 meters high, dotted with many towers that are armed with ballistae, and heavily armed soldiers that use the flow to enhance their senses to fine tune their ability to find enemies or possible problems, which leads them to be great guards even in the city.

Industry & Trade

The biggest industry within the city is its infamous enchanting of artifacts, from small trinkets to weapons of war, but is also incredibly complicated due to the amount of resources needed and the man power and mind power you need to create it. On top of this, due to the exhausting nature, there are some periods where nothing is created due to the magi needing rest before more can be created, which leads to the huge cost for artifacts.


Infrastructure within the city is well maintained and very modern, commonly being layered with ground paths but also bridges that go above the roads for caravans, so they do not become stopped by pedestrians. Along with this, it has a variety of open squares for various purposes, from trade squares, to some of the only parks on the continent. There are a variety of roads leading into the city as well, and as such traffic tends to be very dispersed and rarely has problems for locals.

Guilds and Factions

There are a large variety of guilds that can be found within the city, with the biggest one being the Artifact guild, who helps organize all the magi, resources and materials, and all the workers needed to create an artifact, as its long, takes many resources, and a lot of coordination. Due to the loss of the empire, many resources have become very hard to come by, and as suchh the guild now pools its profits to afford the resources needed for artifacts.
Owning Organization

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Cover image: by Peter Popken


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