Amphibious Cart Vehicle in The Gates | World Anvil
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Amphibious Cart

Amphibious Carts are vehicles designed by Eadarlings and other races to better traverse the swamp and nearby swampy terrain of Pluarsh ec Relovut. These vehicles can, as the name suggests, travel on both land and water. They are often pulled by similarly amphibious creatures such as Giant Salamanders.   The Spiritual Travelers acquired such a cart on Nurend 18, 308 before departing Dorchar. It came with two Giant Salamanders which have been named Flapjack and Pancake. Kaswink has started to form a bond with these two salamanders quite easily.   The cart, up to this point, has been used to travel from Dorchar to a nearby Mothlight Tree with the hopes of getting Tympi home so that she can rest.

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