Unenne Ethnicity in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Unenne (Oo-NEHNN)

The Unenne were one of the oldest ethnic groups in Icalar and were focused around what is now Keismeb -- the northern tip of the westernmost of the Three Ribs -- Unenshuut derives its name from the Unenne people. It was also notable for being one of the first to be of mixed race, and the first completely for one mixed with nae'cthosai who, until that point, had been isolationist.   The founding of Keismeb itself by the Unenne, ironically, is considered the decline of the ethnicity as others began to mingle and marry.


Major language groups and dialects

The Unen dialect, consisting of Luk'Eishar and Bel'Eishar, that then evolved as it mixed with Mesik. Nowadays mostly surviving in names and certain terms.
Related Locations


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