Siyravuud Item in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Siyravuud (Sear-ah-VOOD)

The siyravuud is one of three types of currency (collectively, colloquially, called the three hungers) used in Unenshuut along with the Plevuud and Meix; it is not used in international commerce, but has equal numeric value to its two siblings. Its abbreviation is 'siy'.   A siyravuud is a oval cabochon carved from any variety of native Unenshuut ryasi -- typically in shades of red, violet, blue, and occasionally dark green and smoky black -- ranging in size from 0.5"-1", with the obverse more convex than the reverse and further carved with the four-pointed star of the Unenshuut crest. It is exclusively used for 'blood goods', i.e., essential physical goods related to food, shelter, warmth, and medicine; to use it for any other purpose is considered crass or even offensive, and uneducated.


For exchanges of goods essential to human life ('blood goods').
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Base Price


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