Ryasi Material in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Ryasi (Ree-YAH-see)

Ryasi is a common semi-precious stone similar to labradorite found primarily in west and central Unenshuut, parts of Kiva, and occasionally Balaqalneyis. When carved and polished, Unenshuut specimens are used as siyravuud, one of the 'three hungers' of the country's official currency. It is also used extensively in jewelry.


Material Characteristics

Jagged-edged, elongated shape with parallel planes; raw, the gems are rough and dull, but are more vivid when cut. 'Two-tone' gems are the most common, but rarely there are 'three-tone'.

Geology & Geography

Commonly found in quarries for other stone.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Currency, jewelry.

Cultural Significance and Usage

More transparent / brighter specimens are used in jewelry, while duller/darker specimens (or those with inclusions) are used for siyravuud.   A three-tone gem with a blue and green base and a red flash is known as 'tears-of-fire'; there is some cultural speculation that there is an etymological link with Tycephaur, possibly the Tycephaur Lake from which many old and beautiful specimens were once mined, or from local stories about the sunset alighting on the deep hues of the lake or other myths.


Trade & Market

Value as a relatively inexpensive but colorful gemstone. Siyravuud is mostly used in Unenshuut despite being accepted in other countries.
Deep violet, red, and blue, occasionally green and smoky black
Common State
Crystal formations on other stones


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