Dawnseekers Organization in The Fruit of War | World Anvil


The elected democratic governing body of Ghûn and by association, Balaqalneyis. They operate primarily as a civilian knightly order but sometimes as a military order if needs be.   They have representatives in all medium to large settlements regardless of permanence, and are overseen by three Harbingers. They gather regularly to discuss matters of state, and act as both authors and enforcers of their legislature. The Harbingers have final say on all matters. All legislature, however, is presented to the public before becoming official and the public retain the right to object and veto.   They are proud proponents of tolerance of all kinds, and do their utmost to maintain a sense of chivalry in the spirit of their founder, Krighourra Theb. Dawnseeker-funded academies provide free basic education from ages ten to eighteen, though they are limited in number.


Current Harbingers: Eaqia Anoth, Rygghylde Huhn-Zeb’meille, and Sibadhecei Careel   In order of seniority from least to highest: Dawnseeker Apprentice, Dawnseeker Adept, Dawnseeker Master, Harbinger   All ranks are military titles as well as administrative, but actual military or on-the-ground duties grow less frequent at the Master and Harbinger level. The order also employs a significant number of non-knighted individuals to assist with city law enforcement.


High standards of chivalry and justice; sometimes accused of idealism.   Their armor is a coppery-red when metal, which is not typically worn (at least in full) outside of the city on account of the climate. They otherwise wear lamelar leather over lilac cloth.

Public Agenda

The safekeeping of the people of Ghun and Balaqalneyis as a whole.


Founded by Krighourra Theb.   Although a result of the hysteria gripping the early plague years, a stain on their record is the burning alive of Ygyn Amnohphei: while this was done because they recognized him as a plague carrier, they did not recognize who he was nor know that he was no longer contagious.
Civilian, Knightly Order
Controlled Territories


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