Primordialism Organization in The Frontiersmen | World Anvil
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The primordial titans are the primary gods worshipped by elves in prehistory. Its practice continues today even with the scattered remnants of the elves only remaining in Arizadal, The Frontier and elsewhere.


According to ancient ruins and relics, primordialism is less of an organised central religion, but rather considered a personal choice. There is some evidence to suggest that the primordials did actually once walk the earth as gigantic titans wielding elemental powers. Elves traditionally worshipped the primordial who resided in their region.   The primordials represented their own will in actual matters and such the elves never needed a clergy.


Primordialism was the primary religion of the Eastern Kingdoms until the humans of the Red Veil Mountains descended. Legend has it that the primordials were slain or seduced by the humans in the name of Batu , and some scholars believe that the Brides of Batu were actually elven primordials - Alta, Coelle and Gaia.

Mythology & Lore

The number of gods and their stories is countless in primordialism. There are several known worshipped elven gods, though their many of their names have been lost, humanized or confused.   

Wristlewrain of the Mist

A primordial worshipped to date by the Mist elves, Wristlewrain is supposed to take the form of ocean mist, fog and sea spray. Wirstlewrain has been noticeably apathetic and indifferent to the mist elves.    

Reizuun of the Flame

Historical records show that the Sun elves worshipped Reizuun, especially those in positions of power. He is often depicted in artefacts as a war-like, destructive male made entirely of fire. Sun elves would hold midsummer festivals to honour Reizuun.   

Lady of the Beasts

The unnamed lady of the beasts is a primordial long since lost. Fragments of her remain in the occasional artefact found in elven ruins in the west of the Kingdom of Red Veil. The Lady of the Beasts is usually made of two half animals which differ depending on the depiction, hinting that she was a shape-shifter. Some believe that she was taken by the humans and deified as Gaia.  

Leader of the Dead

This genderless, unnamed primordial is depicted as a gigantic shadow, cloud of insects or skeleton. Found most often at elven graves or battle sites, some believe this primordial was humanized as Coelle, the Bride of Souls.   

Lady of the Milkwater

While no elf called the sea east of Red Veil, Yersia or Suon The Milkwater, this primordial was seems to have been believed to reside there. Found in ruins along the eastern coast, the Lady of the Milkwater is depicted as a monstrous, pale giant with tentacles. While she devours and attacks, she also simultaneously gives birth to horrors, fish and monsters. Some believe she was humanized as Alta


Worshipping the primordials depends on which primordial it is being worshipped. Some demanded certain acts, sacrifices or promises; others were completely apathetic to their level of godhood.
Religious, Pantheon

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