Archal Argo Character in The Frontiersmen | World Anvil
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Archal Argo

Archal Argo was the leader of the House of Argo and father to Arento Argo, Amelia Argo and Aurelias Argo. He served as the Duke of Argo for several decades, expanding his family's influence over the Colony of Kehl and enriching it via cunning trade agreements.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Archal was a physically imposing man - tall, sleight, with stern features and a stuff upper lip.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Archal was born in the late 10th Century as the only child of the Duke and Duchess of Argo. His father roughly disciplined Archal and expected much of him from a young age. The Frontier was a particular subject of his education as he became a teenager as his father correctly predicted that his House's fortunes would lie on the shores of that distant world.  


Archal married Lady Rovoli Brigaddo, a lower noble from Western Red Veil, at his father's instance. They became the Duke and Duchess of Argo around 1030. At first they struggled to have children, but eventually had three: Arento in 1034, Amelia in 1035 and Aurelias in 1038.   In 1044, Rovoli died unexpectedly. Archal reigned for another 13 years before passing away in 1057 and leaving the Duchy to his eldest, Arento.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His Highness, the Duke of Argo and Lord of Tollico and Maco.
998 1057 59 years old

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