Humans Species in The Fringe | World Anvil


Humans are a staple in almost any universe. Naturally, the Fringe contains them too, and they are spread out across the galaxy in numerous civilizations. If not human, they are very human-like and thus would fall under this species category.

Basic Information


Humans typically find themselves with a head, two arms, two legs, and a torso. They have 270 bones at birth and upon reaching adulthood the average human has 206 bones. Along each of their bones they have muscles to stretch and pull joints, etc in order for their body to function. Humans come in all different sizes and colors, but typically none too extreme. They typically have peachy, brownish, or pale skin tones. In addition, they are capable of growing hair all over their body, especially on top of their head, their face (in the case of males), under their arm pits, their chest, and legs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans sexually reproduce and

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans need a rather normal nutritional standard to stay healthy. They are omnivores and eat, hunt, etc. like any normal human being. They however, cannot consume raw meat without the bacteria negatively affecting them.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans utilize eyes, ears, tiny hairs on their body, their nose, and mouth for their sensory perception. Their eyes can utilize only the "visible" light on the electromagnetic spectrum. Their ears can hear pitches as low as 20 Hz and as high as 20,000 Hz. The tiny hairs on their body which allows them to use the sense of touch to evoke a sensory response in the brain telling them what something feels like. Their nose is utilized for for smell and their mouth for the sense of taste.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens