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The home of most of the infernals, devils and demons of the Free City. It shares a border and uneasy truce with Ethergalley   Where do you go when you get kicked out of Hell? The celestials won't take you, and the material planes are more likely to run and scream rather than give you safe berth. Well, you come to the Free City of course. These are the devils who are too sensitive, the demons who can't stomach torture, and the infernals who would rather read a book than terrorize people. They still retain their fearsome appearances and deadly abilities, but have the opportunity to live a somewhat peaceful life in the Free City.   Like the Celestials of Ethergalley, they don't always interact comfortably with the material races - those who prefer a life of non-violence can be hard pressed to keep away from the more violent gangs and organizations, who are always eager to press a demon into service. They don't take kindly to people coming in to try and exploit them.   Netherport is centered around a large chunk of radioactive uranium from a deactivated warhead, which keeps the surrounding area 3-5 degrees warmer than the rest of the plane. Its presence is extremely detrimental creatures who aren't from the lower planes, but they are more or less immune to the cellular damage it causes. The citizens of Netherport have helpfully built a 16 foot wall around their neighbourhood. This, and a weather spell that prevents winds from blowing across it helps to keep the radiation contained. As a side effect, Netherport is one of the only places on the demi-plane to have cloud cover.
Alternative Name(s)
The Nethers
Related Ethnicities


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