Session 9: July 12, 2020 Report in The Fractured World | World Anvil
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Session 9: July 12, 2020

General Summary

The session began in the The Fertile Dome slightly southwest of Kawvish where the adventurers previously defeated a trio of bandits including one wearbear. 5 days behind the scouting party of Tinkerers they were pursuing, the adventurers set out to the east on the information that the Tinkerers were heading towards the Dwarven Waste. After crossing the a rushing river with assistance from Zork's Geta of the River the adventurers continued east until they came upon an abandoned farm. There they discovered some dead Dwarves and a member of the Tinkerer party who had been left behind with a broken leg. She mentioned that the rest of her party was dead set on reaching Lady Chasmatus as soon as possible. The adventurers insisted on escorting the injured Tinkerer to sanctuary at Yoringheim and in return she bestowed upon them a tracking beacon that could be used to lead them to the rest of her party.   While in Yoringheim, the adventurers picked up some potions and dropped the wounded Tinkerer off at a physician. Zork learned about The Prophecy of the Madame and gained insight into the Tinkerers' fixation with Lady Chasmatus. At the Inn, the adventurers met Fung, the town's preeminent guide to the Dwarven Waste and an avid fan of the human race. He advised that they rest up before a long journey to Lady Chasmatus. They obliged and set out at the crack of dawn. With Fung's help they were able to quickly navigate the Dwarven Waste and were quickly gaining on the Tinkerers. They were about one day behind when they were ambushed by 3 soot striders. During the fight, Fung showed off his unique and powerful crossbow. After a hard-fought battle, the adventurers continued on, pockets full of gold in exchange for a near death experience. They caught up with the Tinkerers soon after and discussed their mutual interest in the old Dwarven capital, Lady Chasmatus. They continued on to the volcano and were received by its ancient stone doors standing some 100 feet tall.   On the inside they found a dead adventurer who conveniently had a rough map of the ruined city. The Tinkerers peeled off to the Power district while the adventurers decided to head to the Royal district. On their way they discovered that many of the Dwarven soldiers in the military district had died by blade not by volcanic eruption. They found a foreign looking longsword that didn't appear to be Elven. Continuing into the royal district, the adventurers found that the same perpetrators who had killed the soldiers had broken into the castle through stealth and murdered the king Maut Montha and his family in their own courtyard. Upon further investigation the adventurers discovered that the assailants were human (much to Fung's chagrin) and that their infiltration had resulted in the shattering of a large deposit of Necrodetic Mineral that the Dwarves had been hoarding in their keep. The adventurers also noticed the seared outline of a weapon near the slain king, an enormous hammer. They left the courtyard to investigate a cliff jutting out into a deep chasm which sported a mysterious kiosk that seemed to use the same hammer as a key. Before they were able to investigate too thoroughly a Chasm Giant emerged from the chasm and smashed their exit, leaving them trapped on an island in the chasm.   A lengthy and suspenseful battle ensued which saw all of the adventurers nearly meet their doom. A devastating stomp attack from the Chasm Giant sent Fung spiraling into the depths of the chasm, dead. Although his legendary crossbow survived the attack. When the battle seemed all but lost, a clutch shortsword strike made by Zork drew the giant's last breath and it dropped the legendary Hammer of Maut upon its death. After regaining consciousness and healing their wounds the remaining trio plugged the immense weapon into the kiosk which brought the infrastructure of the old Dwarven capital back to life. A hover car of sorts came to meet them and promptly escorted them to the city's dump.   And so concludes session 9.

Rewards Granted

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Report Date
12 Jul 2020
Primary Location
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