Nomen Infernale XLI: The Poison of Vipers Is on Their Lips Report in The Fourth Age of Tel | World Anvil

Nomen Infernale XLI: The Poison of Vipers Is on Their Lips

jesse.f, Herald of Tel

General Summary

Satisfied that Alim will advocate on behalf of the children, both those intact and in the a state of partial metamorphosis, La Compagnia returned to their apartment, to bathe and plan their next steps. Alim indicated that the children would be given to their respective churches to be raised if no guardian can be found for them. Theo declined to travel with the rest of the party and opted instead to clean himself at the House of Snetwa then visit to the rectory attached to the Cathedral of Sanctus Marcian. He was greeted at the door by Brother Volunius, who invited Theo in with some reservation seeing how he was currently attired and knowing that he hd just come from the House of the Snetwa. Brother Volnius was concerned with the increased influence of Nexra in the city and the spread of cases of blood and mucus in the lungs as her miasma harmed the body. He hoped that Brother Theo was not bearing that taint with him into the clergy house.

The rest of the group hired litter bearers to take them back to the apartment and a torch bearer to lead the way. As they passed through the darkened streets of the city, Asbjørn noticed forms in the night and raised his guard. They soon realized that it is merchants who have seen opportunity to offer wares to a lavish train of litters. Riven was increasingly bothered by the partially obstructed views of the beaded curtains and the stimulation of the sights and sounds of the city passing by, but when the merchants began jostling the litter bearers for access it became overwhelming. At first Alex is unconcerned, but as more merchants press in on the litter bearers he thinks it would be a fine opportunity for the party to be robbed and decides to engage in a little mischief. He slipped silently from his litter and mingled with the crowd to whisper in confidential tones, spreading awe and terror to groups of merchants: "I hear one of them suffered from Reshpu's touch and has not bothered to have it healed," and "Some say they have parlayed with a Demon Prince of the City of Brass and were unscathed," and "My neighbor told me a Medjay recruited them to root out corruption in Lakham Tabab surely we don't want to cross them."

Alex watched with satisfaction as the spark of rumor caught fire on the tongues of the assembled merchants and potential thieves. The crowd dispersed as quickly as it had come, carrying the flames of rumor into a dry city night. He was nettled by the sense that he gilded the lily and reminded himself that too much can sometimes be worse than too little in these cases. But the rest of the trip to the apartments was peaceful.

At the apartments, Zahur was overjoyed to hear that many of the children had been rescued by his friends. Alex remained vague on the status of the rest of the children, and moved to dampened Zahur's enthusiasm for parading them through Abrami as heroes before they have had a chance to seek out the children's parents. Zahur lamented that most of the children are likely orphans either through death or abandonment, but saw the wisdom in seeking out the parents. He brought out food for them, but as his excitement wears off he noted that they smelt of fetid worm innards and sewer gas and recommended they bathe, immediately. They wolfed down some of the delicious food he was carrying, realizing how foul they smelled when greeted with the fragrance of his cooking, and headed to the baths. They requested their specific services and paid before being pummeled, washed, oiled and scraped back into something resembling human form. Asbjørn told reception that he wanted a human woman but hangs back for a moment until the rest of them have been taken into the baths. "On second thought, I'd like one of them cat, two cat girls," he said

The next morning following, Brother Volunius accompanied Brother Theo to the Auroral prayers, dedicated to the trinity of Aelos, Edius and Eiona. Following prayers, Brother Volunius brought him to The Office of the Quastor where he was ordered to knock on the door. As he does, Brother Volunius left him to his fate. When he welcomed into the Office, he entered a dimly lit room containing seated man who had a cloth tied over his eyes. Theo had heard rumors that the Quaestori pluck out their own eyes that they might see more clearly in Ator, but he was still taken aback by the sight. The man was flanked by two younger men also dressed in the vestyaments of The Office of the Quaestor. He introduced himself as Quaestor Umblicus and told Theo to report what information he has, interrupting him several times to speak plainly. Having heard his allegations, Umblicus asked why the office of the Inquisition should trust someone who had failed to go to his assigned post, who traveled with vagabonds and criminals, and who was influenced by the Southern Heresy of the Port Clausans. He called on his Junior Deputy Inquisitors to advise and to ask questions of Brother Theo as well. They suggested that the accusations were too important to ignore, but were concerned with Theo's legitimacy.

Theo made his defenses to these accusations, but Umblicus interrupted him asking why he had a sigil of part of the name of the plague god inscribed on his heart. Theo was shocked that he could have known this and Umblicus explains that part of his consternation is that if a fallen Ouranic priest had been operating in his city sacrificing children, he would expect the insight of Ator to guide him, but instead the information was brought by a priest teetering on the edge of infamy and bearing the glowing mark of a manifestation of Miasma. He counseled Theo that if he wishes to remain in the good graces of the Ouranic church he would be wise to collect the rest of the name and bring it to the Inquisition for safe keeping. This would show them that he is legitimate.

While Theo was being grilled, Zahur served the rest of the party a lovely breakfast. Asbjørn intended to seek out the House of Strength and significantly increase his shred. He gives Teleptyon the potion of strength he purchased, instructing him to figure out what it is and if possible make more. Teleptyon traveled to seek out his master's counsel and also ask her about the magic he had seen worked by the fallen priest, and about the bone wand they had taken from him. Riven and Alex head to the Royal Quarter to seek out an official response on whether Abet's body had been recovered and to notify the proper authorities of their recovery of gold in the crypts below the city. Elissa asked to accompany them, seeking to replace her twice-mended spear with something sturdier, and asked Zahur if he has any recommendations for where to go. He sheepishly admitted he has never been allowed inside the Royal Quarter and Riven and Alex insist he come along.

Report Date
09 Mar 2023
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Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz