Luvo Species in The Fourth Age of Tel | World Anvil


Luvo (pl. Luvi) is the Aeriscan term for a particular species of canine that was domesticated and bred by goblinoids. Known to the Wem as "voyká," these creatures serve as mounts and war beasts for the various goblinoid tribes across Tel.

Basic Information


Luvi are anatomically similar to their canine cousins. In particular, they resemble the grey wolves of the Ruden Steppelands, suggesting a common ancestor. However, the average adult luvo is larger and stronger than the typical wolf.

Ecology and Habitats

An extremely hardy species, luvi are found in a variety of habitats across all the continents of Tel, including grasslands, shrublands, wetlands, deserts, and mountains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As obligate carnivores, luvi prefer to hunt and consume large warm-blooded herbivores. Like the wolves they are related to, luvi will usually hunt in packs, culling the sick, infirm, and injured from a herd of prey. However, it is not unheard of for a luvo to hunt alone or in a pair. When prey is scarce, luvi have been known to hunt humans and similar species.

Additional Information


Domesticated luvi play a similar role in goblinoid societies as dogs do for humans. Luvi guard goblin warrens, assist in hunting, and (in a rare example of empathy within goblinoid culture) provide companionship.

Average Intelligence

While not as intelligent as humans or even goblinoids, luvi are the most intelligent species of canine, even capable of communicating with their goblin masters in a rudimentary language that consists of barks, growls, and howls. An individual adult luvo possesses the reasoning capacity of a young human child of 4 or 5 years of age.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

In addition to the keen olfactory senses possessed by all canines, luvi are also able to see in conditions of near or total darkness.

A Goblin Warrior atop His Luvo Mount
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Canis taeter
Average Height
3 to 3.3 feet
Average Weight
250 to 330 lbs.
Average Length
4.5 to 5 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Luvi are covered in a thick coat of black or gray fur that serves as natural camouflage when stalking prey in underbrush.

Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz