Khemia Occulta IX Report Report in The Fourth Age of Tel | World Anvil

Khemia Occulta IX Report

General Summary

Hastily, Alexandru and Asbjørn assessed the Oameni's plight: the blades were swinging faster and the ceiling and walls were rumbling with dust and stone falling loose. Asbjørn called for the other barbarian and attempted to stop the movement of the blade using a grappling hook. The hook caught fast, but the combined strength of Asbjørn and Kegho was not sufficient to do more than slow down the Third Age device. Alex, still not trusting his ability to tumble had little choice and was relieved when he successfully did a back handspring with a half twist out of the hallway; his perfect landing ruined by ceiling and walls imploding in a shower of stone and sand. Theo came to render aid and provided what healing he could in his weary state.

The Company was much more subdued as it re-traced its steps back toward the entrance. Kegho’s hopes that Teleptyon might be able to control the basilisk with the amulet were dashed. The party gauged the length of the basilisk’s chain and quietly scaled a fallen pillar and skirted the room to stay well out of reach of it’s flicking tongue and strong jaws and forelimbs. As Kegho’s torch sputtered out, he heaved it to the far side of the room. The lingering bituminous odor and warmth drew the basilisk away and the party made their escape from its lair. They made their way past the statue of the amorphous and loathsome Akhen-At-Im, and Kegho retrieved the ropes he had tied around the base of the statue before passing back into the chamber and entry hallway.

On his way out, Kegho encouraged the group to head for the entrance and fired an arrow at the uncovered clay form across from the one that held the ring when they had first come in, and had poisoned him and Teleptyon. Acrid gas poured forth and dissipated and Kegho gathered another set of robes and an amulet before following the group out.

As they spilled out into the chilly night air of the desert, they stumbled upon a recently killed camel, which reminded Theo of the party’s camel, Mercy. Luckily, Mercy was still safe at the Omsala caravanserai where Talal had left her. Noting nothing foetid about the camel, Kegho began butchering the creature and Ükhilflin took a sizable share for herself. The party decided to move away from the camel before setting up camp and sleeping for the night.

Kegho, Asbjørn and Alex agreed to take watches so that their cleric and be-serpented wizard could rest, although Alex had developed a superstition about his watches always going poorly. Kegho’s watch passed without incident. As Asbjørn kept watch he heard the shambling feet of many creatures in the distance. He peered into the edges for flickering firelight and saw the shadows of ghuls approaching the camp. He roused La Campagnia and they had time to prepare as the undead creatures swarmed the camp.

Alex climbed a hill hoping to shoot them down as they entered the firelight. Kegho sent Miniho to guard him and fired his crossbow at the closest ghul. Asbjørn and Kegho both charged into battle, with Asbjørn missing his mark and Kegho splitting a ghul in twain. Ghuls began swarming the barbarians and Teleptyon risked madness to blast one before it could strike Kegho. More came out of the shadows and Keg was scratched. He felt numbness tickle his skin around the wound, but shook off the effect. The mental strain of casting beyond his reserves left Teleptyon frenzied and he charged the nearest ghul battering it with his staff. Alex fired an arrow at one but missed. Asbjørn splits another one down the middle. A ghul attacked Kegho with both claws and it’s festering maw. While Kegho swung and decapitated another. Theo shook off his torpor and joined the fray, clubbing one in the head and sending it scampering back into the desert. The remaining ghuls successfully scratched or bit Teleptyon, Asbjørn and Kegho inflicting paralysis on them. Alex moved down from the hill and sank into the shadows; an arrow from the empty night hitting the neck of the ghul looming over Teleptyon. Miniho pulled the ghul that had paralyzed Kegho to the ground and pinned it. Theo ran to Teleptyon’s rescue, but an enraged ghul intercepted him and paralyzed him as well.

Written by jesse.f
Tertadi the 10th of Ka'aisius, 114 post Refugium
Ad Perīculum, Pro Glōriā
Alexandru Croitoru
Asbjørn Þórsteinnsson
Teleptyon Marathonos
Theophilus Chandler
Report Date
13 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz