Ra, the Arch-Devil of Fire Character in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil

Ra, the Arch-Devil of Fire

Ra was once a mortal warrior, born into a tribe of nomads in the desert lands of the Kroany.   From a young age, Ra was drawn to the power of fire and the sun, and he trained tirelessly to master the elements and harness their magic in battle.   As he grew older, Ra's reputation as a fierce warrior grew, and he was eventually chosen by the goddess of desire and undead, Sary, to become one of her most trusted agents. With his mastery of fire and his unyielding dedication to Sary, Ra quickly rose through the ranks, becoming one of the most powerful Arch Devils under Sary.   With his Broze wings and blazing sword, Ra became known as the Arch Devil of Fire, revered by all who knew him for his courage and his unbreakable will. Though he was often called upon to fight in the most dangerous battles, Ra never wavered in his loyalty to Sary, and he always fought with honor and valor.   Over time, Ra came to understand the true nature of desire and the undead, and he used his powers to protect the kingdom and its people from those who would seek to harm them. Though his enemies feared him for his fiery wrath, those who knew him best recognized his compassion and his deep love for Sary and her people.   In the end, Ra's devotion to Sary and his unwavering commitment to justice and honor earned him a place of honor among the Arch Devils, and his legacy lived on long after his mortal form had passed into legend.   Edicts
seek and destroy evil, travel the realms, help others fend for themselves
destroy those who seek to raise the dead, heal those who seek to harm the innocent, harm or neglect a child

Divine Domains

Sun Domain:

"This domain grants his followers the radiance and pull of the moon, turning their innate powers and will into a wellspring for commanding the powers associated with the Sun, much like Horus does for sary.  

Confidence Domain:

"This domain grants his followers the ability to wield power over to overcome their fears and project pride."  

Alternate Domain:Fire

"His alternate domain is that of Fire, allowing his followers to have the power to control flame, fire, and light."
Divine Classification
Celestial Devil
around 5000
Divine Font
Divine Skill
Divine Attribute
Favored Weapon
Areas of Concern
sun, undeath, confidence and fire


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